Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-07-10 tråd Mattias Axell


On 2019-06-27 12:00, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

Reply only to lists:

Quoting Helio Loureiro (2019-06-27 10:50:54)

As much as I love free software, I also need to consider how to make
things more active.

We can have IRC, Matrix, Mastodon, Diaspora, etc.  But the last two
Debian meetups I hosted nobody from this mailing list showed up.  So
we are talking about an empty audience.  And worse: during the events,
nobody was using Debian in their laptops (me included).

If the kind of meetings you host are ones where non-Debian-users attend,
then perhaps it makes better sense to call them something else than
"Debian meetups".

Most effective way I learnt is to test out different descriptions and 
approaches. One could call them Debian Meetups, or something else 
(Debian-related of your choice) and announce them on all channels, 
including mailing list, bring a Debian laptop and make the different 
conversation topics Debian-related. If I could I would have attended, 
and probably wanted to switch to Debian in time for those meetups. Maybe 
starting a Debian association in Sweden would gauge and grow interest?

And everything is definitely mobile nowadays.  Telegram isn't an
attempt to hijack this mailing list or any other communication media,
but to increase the possibilities.  Even for newcomers.

Mobile is definitely a thing nowadays, but certainly not the only one.

Nice that you mention here that other user channels exist.

I say "yes and", and I'm for announcing on non-free channels and guide 
people to free channels. Please continue to use all channels, and great 
if more people find the mailing list.

BTW I use the free software client named "plus" to access Telegram.

Nice.  Even nicer if free software with a homepage and usable on
mainline linux - and if not already packaged in Debian then had an RFP
or ITP bureport filed - see

Good luck with that Telegram channel,

  - Jonas

Good luck with all channels! ;)


Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-06-27 tråd Jonas Smedegaard
Reply only to lists:

Quoting Helio Loureiro (2019-06-27 10:50:54)
> As much as I love free software, I also need to consider how to make 
> things more active.
> We can have IRC, Matrix, Mastodon, Diaspora, etc.  But the last two 
> Debian meetups I hosted nobody from this mailing list showed up.  So 
> we are talking about an empty audience.  And worse: during the events, 
> nobody was using Debian in their laptops (me included).

If the kind of meetings you host are ones where non-Debian-users attend, 
then perhaps it makes better sense to call them something else than 
"Debian meetups".

> And everything is definitely mobile nowadays.  Telegram isn't an 
> attempt to hijack this mailing list or any other communication media, 
> but to increase the possibilities.  Even for newcomers.

Mobile is definitely a thing nowadays, but certainly not the only one.

Nice that you mention here that other user channels exist.

> BTW I use the free software client named "plus" to access Telegram.

Nice.  Even nicer if free software with a homepage and usable on 
mainline linux - and if not already packaged in Debian then had an RFP 
or ITP bureport filed - see

Good luck with that Telegram channel,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-06-27 tråd Helio Loureiro

As much as I love free software, I also need to consider how to make things
more active.

We can have IRC, Matrix, Mastodon, Diaspora, etc.  But the last two Debian
meetups I hosted nobody from this mailing list showed up.  So we are
talking about an empty audience.  And worse: during the events, nobody was
using Debian in their laptops (me included).

And everything is definitely mobile nowadays.  Telegram isn't an attempt to
hijack this mailing list or any other communication media, but to increase
the possibilities.  Even for newcomers.

BTW I use the free software client named "plus" to access Telegram.

Best Regards,
Helio Loureiro

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:15 PM Otto Kekäläinen  wrote:

> I agree that we should encourage a true open source alternative like
> Mattermost or or Zulip instead.

Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-06-25 tråd Otto Kekäläinen
I agree that we should encourage a true open source alternative like
Mattermost or or Zulip instead.

Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-06-25 tråd Mattias Axell
I agree with Andreas, would like a try to reboot chat based on a free 
system (as well). However also agree on any initiative where Debian can 
be present is good. I say "yes and" to Telegram (directed toward 
newcomers) and hope to see you all at IRC!


On 2019-06-25 18:34, Andreas Gnau wrote:

Hi Helio,

On 2019-06-25 15:51, Helio Loureiro wrote:
For the ones already using telegram, we created a debian nordics group 
over there.

I might join, but I am not sure whether it is a really good idea to 
promote a non-free-service like Telegram from within Debian.

In terms of chat, we already have #debian-nordic, which is admittedly 
pretty dead. For this reason, I am a bit skeptical whether adding a 
fourth venue of communication besides the two mailinglists and

#debian-nordic on IRC will improve matters.

Note, that I don't mean to be discouraging and I do appreciate any 
effort to put more life into the Nordic and Swedish Debian communities!

Regards, Andreas

Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-06-25 tråd Andreas Gnau

Hi Helio,

On 2019-06-25 15:51, Helio Loureiro wrote:
For the ones already using telegram, we created a debian nordics group 
over there.

I might join, but I am not sure whether it is a really good idea to 
promote a non-free-service like Telegram from within Debian.

In terms of chat, we already have #debian-nordic, which is admittedly 
pretty dead. For this reason, I am a bit skeptical whether adding a 
fourth venue of communication besides the two mailinglists and

#debian-nordic on IRC will improve matters.

Note, that I don't mean to be discouraging and I do appreciate any 
effort to put more life into the Nordic and Swedish Debian communities!

Regards, Andreas

Re: Group created at Telegram:

2019-06-25 tråd Luna Jernberg
Joined :)

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 3:52 PM Helio Loureiro 

> Hi,
> For the ones already using telegram, we created a debian nordics group
> over there.
> Feel free to join us.
> Best Regards,
> Helio Loureiro