Attached bas file with support for SQLite3 via ODBC

'    Copyright (C) 2010  Andrew 'Drew' Jensen
'    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
'    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
'    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
'    (at your option) any later version.
'    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'    GNU General Public License for more details.
'    To review a full a copy of the GNU General Public License
'    please see, <>.
'//     The library module was intended to be used as a aid in 
'//     working around an anomily in the 3.2 release of Base
'//     For reference see:
'//     The library includes 4 rooutines for use in these
'//     Insert Data Only forms
'//     Two are suitable for use from menu, toolbar, HotKey, 
'//     or dialog displayed by data entry form
'//     insertdFistDataForm     
'//     reloadFistDataForm
'//             Two when called from a button owned by the dataform
'//             that owns the controls to write to the database
'//             insertThisDataForm
'//     reloadThisDataForm              
option explicit 

        '//     GLOBALS
GLOBAL BoundFields() as string
        '//             Timestamp fields can be associeated with 
        '//             both a date and time GUI control
        '//             In face any data field could be bound to any 
        '//             number of GUI Control Models
        '//             Data fields do not have to be bound to 
        '//             any GUI Control Model
        '//             in our loops then we will iterated
        '//             over the GUI Control Models
        '//             to avoid any non bound data fields
        '//             but this means we must watch for 
        '//             controls bound to more then one 
        '//             data field - such as timestamp fields
        '//             to do this we will employ an array
        '//             to keep track of each field name
        '//             we come across as we move through
        '//             the Control Models
        '//     haveField
        '//     helper function for insertDataForm
function haveField( DataFieldName as string ) as boolean
        dim cntr 
        dim foundit as boolean

        if UBound(BoundFields) = 0 then
                haveField = False
                REDIM BoundFields(1)
                BoundFields(1) = DataFieldName
                foundit = false
                for cntr = 0 to UBound(BoundFields) - 1
                        if BoundFields(cntr) = DataFieldName then
                                foundit = True
                        end if
                if not foundit then
                        cntr = UBound(BoundFields)
                        REDIM BoundFields( cntr + 1 )
                        BoundFields( uBound(BoundFields) ) = DataFieldName
                        haveField = False
                        haveField = True
                end if
        end if
end function

        '//     reloadFistDataForm
        '//             can be called from menu or toolbar or HotKey
        '//             can be called from dialog displayed by data entry form
        '//             will clear all controls of the first dataform 
        '//             on the top most base form window
sub reloadFistDataForm()
        '//             only want to work with forms
        '//             a Query window will not be picked up with 
        '//             in ActiveFrame          
        '//             NULL Model then 
        if isNull( 
thisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.Frame.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model ) then
                exit sub
        end if

        '//             Report Builder editor
                exit sub
        end if  

        '//             ASSUME - ASSUME - ASSUME
        '//             this is a form
        '//             unlses of course it is a ReportWizard report?

end sub 

        '//             insertFirstDataForm
        '//             can be called from menu or toolbar or Kotkey
        '//             can be called from dialog displayed by data entry form
        '//             will write the values from the bound data columns 
        '//             of the first dataform on the top most base form window
sub insertFirstDataForm()
        '//             only want to work with forms
        '//             a Query window will not be picked up with 
        '//             in ActiveFrame          
        '//             NULL Model then 
        if isNull( 
thisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.Frame.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model ) then
                exit sub
        end if

        '//             Report Builder editor
                exit sub
        end if  

        '//             ASSUME - ASSUME - ASSUME
        '//             this is a form
        '//             unlses of course it is a ReportWizard report?
end sub 

        '//     reloadThisDataForm
        '//             can be called from a button that has a dataform as 
sub reloadThisDataForm( oEvent as object )
end sub 

        '//             insertThisDataForm
        '//             can be called from a button that has a dataform as 
sub insertThisDataForm( oEvent as object )
        InsertDataForm( oEvent.Source.Model.Parent )
end sub

        '//             insertDataForm
        '//                     do it
sub InsertDataForm(oDataForm as object )
        dim CurrentConnection
        dim CurrentControl
        dim cntr, fldcnt
        dim strCmdFirst, strCmdLast, SQLCmd, QuoteString
        dim QryComposer
        dim prepStatement

        '//             use the connection that is
        '//             used by the datatform control
        CurrentConnection = oDataForm.ActiveCOnnection 

        '//             only inerested in quote used for identifieers
        QuoteString = CurrentConnection.MetaData.IdentifierQuoteString

        '//             use this for getting different
        '//             parts of the SQL command used
        '//             by the dataform control
        '//             in our case here
        '//             the table name for the SQL statement
        QryComposer = CurrentConnection.createQueryComposer

        '//             populate the composer with the
        '//             current dataforms SQL command
        QryComposer.Query = oDataForm.ActiveCommand

        '//             reset our BoudFields array for keeping
        '//             track of duplicate data fields
        REDIM BoundFields(0)    

        '//             build the two parts of 
        '//             of an SQL insert statement
        '//             iterate over the contols
        '//             to extract the column names
        '//             from the bound data controls
        '//             makse sure variables as null
        strCmdFirst = ""
        strCmdLast = ""
        '//     ensure that data in GUI conttol is
        '//     written to the bound data controls
        '//             no commit for image controls?
        for cntr = 0 to oDataForm.Count - 1
                CurrentControl = oDataForm.ControlModels(cntr)          
                if CurrentControl.ServiceName <> 
"" then
                        select case CurrentControl.ServiceName
                                '//             include only those controls 
                                '//             that support bound data controls
                                case "", 
                        end select
                end if

        '//             if SQLite
        '//             use Statement instead of prepared statement     
        if InStr( thisDataBaseDocument.dataSource.URL, "sdbc:odbc:SQLite3" ) = 
1 then
                for cntr = 0 to oDataForm.Count - 1
                        CurrentControl = oDataForm.ControlModels(cntr)          
                        select case CurrentControl.ServiceName
                                '//             include only those controls 
                                '//             that support bound data controls
                                case "", 
"" ' , 
                                        '//             reversed order
                                        '//             form can have control 
models after the last 
                                        '//             data control
                                        if not haveField( 
CurrentControl.BoundField.Name ) then                                         
                                                strCmdFirst = strCmdFirst + 
QuoteString + CurrentControl.BoundField.Name + QuoteString
CurrentControl.BoundField.isAutoIncrement then
                                                        strCmdLast = strCmdLast 
+ " NULL "
                                        select case CurrentControl.ServiceName
CurrentControl.BoundField.getString <> "" then
strCmdLast = strCmdLast + " '" + CurrentControl.BoundField.getString  + "'"
strCmdLast = strCmdLast + " NULL "
                                                                end if
CurrentControl.BoundField.getString <> "" then
                                                                strCmdLast = 
strCmdLast  + CurrentControl.BoundField.getString
                                                                strCmdLast = 
strCmdLast + " NULL "
                                                        end if
                                        end select
                                end if
                                                if cntr <> oDataForm.Count - 1 
AND strCmdFirst <> ""then
                                                        strCmdFirst = 
strCmdFirst + + ", "
                                                        strCmdLast = strCmdLast 
+ ", "
                                                end if                          
                                        end if

                        end select

                SQLCmd = "INSERT INTO " + QuoteString + 
QryComposer.Tables(0).Name + QuoteString + " ( " + strCmdFirst + " ) VALUES ( " 
+ strCmdLast + " )"

                dim oStatement
                oStatement =  CurrentConnection.createStatement
                on error goto insertDataFormSQLite
                oStatement.executeUpdate( SQLCmd )
                exit sub
                MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " 
+ Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"<< insertDataForm >>"
                exit sub        
        end if 

        '//             NOT SQLite
        for cntr = 0 to oDataForm.Count - 1
                CurrentControl = oDataForm.ControlModels(cntr)          
                select case CurrentControl.ServiceName
                        '//             include only those controls types
                        '//             that support bound data controls
                        case "", 
                                '//             reversed order
                                '//             form can have control models 
after the last 
                                '//             data control
                                if not haveField( 
CurrentControl.BoundField.Name ) then 
                                        if cntr <> oDataForm.Count - 1 AND 
strCmdFirst <> "" then
                                                strCmdFirst = strCmdFirst + + 
", "
                                                strCmdLast = strCmdLast + ", "
                                        end if
                                        strCmdFirst = strCmdFirst + QuoteString 
+ CurrentControl.BoundField.Name + QuoteString
                                        strCmdLast = strCmdLast + " ? "

                                end if

                end select

        '//             build the final SQL statement
        '//                     MySQL native connector requires schema 
(catalog) name along with table name
        if InStr( thisDataBaseDocument.DataSource.URL, "sdbc:mysql" ) = 1 then
                '//             dataform.updateSchema makes sense but returns ""
                '//             so instead the catalog set in the connection
                SQLCmd = "INSERT INTO " + QuoteString + 
CurrentConnection.Catalog + QuoteString + "." + QuoteString + 
QryComposer.Tables(0).Name + QuoteString + " ( " + strCmdFirst + " ) VALUES ( " 
+ strCmdLast + " )"

                '//             otherwise assume no catalog (schema) name is 
                '//             True for embedded HSQLdb, dBase, MS Access
                SQLCmd = "INSERT INTO " + QuoteString + 
QryComposer.Tables(0).Name + QuoteString + " ( " + strCmdFirst + " ) VALUES ( " 
+ strCmdLast + " )"
        end if
        '//             and prepare it for data
        prepStatement = CurrentConnection.PrepareStatement( SQLCmd )

        '//             reset our BoudFields array for keeping
        '//             track of duplicate data fields
        '//             again
        REDIM BoundFields(0)    

        '//             again iterate over the contols
        '//             this time to fill the 
        '//             parameters in the prepared statement
        '//             with data
        for cntr = 0 to oDataForm.Count - 1
                CurrentControl = oDataForm.ControlModels(cntr)
                select case CurrentControl.ServiceName
                        case "", 
                                if not haveField( 
CurrentControl.BoundField.Name ) then                         
                                        '//             fldnct <> 
                                        '//             only count controls 
with bound columns
                                        fldcnt = fldcnt + 1
                                        '//     ensure that data in GUI conttol 
                                        '//     written to the bound data 
                                        '//             no commit for image 
                                        if CurrentControl.ServiceName <> 
"" then
                                        end if
                                        '//     fetch the columns value 
                                        '//     to make wasNull valid
                                        '//     NULLS get special attention
                                        if CurrentControl.BoundField.wasNull 

                                                '//             should account 
for different data typs
                                                '//             but for 
                                                prepStatement.setNull( fldcnt, 
0 )

                                                '//             now put the 
data into   
                                                '//             the prepared 
                                                '//             parameters
                                                '//             image controls 
are special
                                                if CurrentControl.ServiceName = 
"" then
setBinaryStream insted of setBlob 
                                                        '//             as 
setBlob is not implemented on all
                                                        '//             drivers
                                                        dim oStream as object
                                                        oStream = 
prepStatement.setBinaryStream( fldcnt, oStream, oStream.Length )
                                                        '//             for 
                                                        '//             move 
the rest as strings
prepStatement.setString( fldcnt, CurrentControl.BoundField.getString )  
                                                end if
                                        end if
                                end if 
                        '// end case
                end select              


        '//             set error trap
        on error goto executeUpdateError

        '//             post the data to the table

        '//             clean up the GUI controls
        '//             by reseting the dataform
        '//     and exit                
        exit sub
        '//             error on insert
        '//             tell and resume
        MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "At line : " + Erl + 
chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"<< insertDataForm >>"
end sub

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