Hi devs,

Some warnings while creating a new DB in postgres

     [java]   |   org.owasp.esapi.errors.IntrusionException.interval=1
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,093 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: statusDelay of view-entity ExampleStatusDetail
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,093 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType because 
one already exists with the alias name [description
] and field name [EFAAT(ExampleFeatureApplAndType).description], existing field 
name is [EXFT.description]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,093 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity ExampleFeatureAndApplFullView because 
one already exists with the alias name [descriptio
n] and field name [EFAAAT(ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType).description], existing 
field name is [EX.description]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,109 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity 
AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with 
the alias n
ame [description] and field name [EXFT(ExampleFeature).description], existing 
field name is [EFAATD.description]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,109 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity 
AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with 
the alias n
ame [description] and field name [EX(Example).description], existing field name 
is [EFAATD.description]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail 
because one already exists with the alias name [pa
rtyTypeId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing 
field name is [PTYREL.partyTypeId]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail 
because one already exists with the alias name [de
scription] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing 
field name is [PTYREL.description]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail 
because one already exists with the alias name [st
atusId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field 
name is [PTYREL.statusId]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail 
because one already exists with the alias name [fr
omDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).fromDate], existing field 
name is [PTYREL.fromDate]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail 
because one already exists with the alias name [th
ruDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).thruDate], existing field 
name is [PTYREL.thruDate]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail 
because one already exists with the alias name [co
mments] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).comments], existing field 
name is [PTYREL.comments]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [partyTypeI
d] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name 
is [PTYRL.partyTypeId]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [externalId
] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).externalId], existing field name 
is [PTYRL.externalId]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [preferredC
urrencyUomId] and field name 
[PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).preferredCurrencyUomId], existing field name is 
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [descriptio
n] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name 
is [PTYRL.description]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [statusId]
and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is 
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [createdDat
e] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdDate], existing field name 
is [PTYRL.createdDate]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [createdByU
serLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdByUserLogin], 
existing field name is [PTYRL.createdByUserLogin]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi
edDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedDate], existing 
field name is [PTYRL.lastModifiedDate]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi
edByUserLogin] and field name 
[PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedByUserLogin], existing field name is 
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [dataSource
Id] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).dataSourceId], existing field 
name is [PTYRL.dataSourceId]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [isUnread]
and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).isUnread], existing field name is 
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,125 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because 
one already exists with the alias name [roleTypeId
] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).roleTypeId], existing field name 
is [PTYRL.roleTypeId]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,187 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity InvoiceItemAndAssocProduct because one 
already exists with the alias name [amount] and f
ield name [IIA(InvoiceItemAssoc).amount], existing field name is [INTM.amount]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,187 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,187 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,187 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,187 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,218 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,218 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:527:WARN ] 
Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory 
eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali
as: totQuantityAvailable of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,218 (main) [    ModelViewEntity.java:685:INFO ] 
Throwing out field alias in view entity OrderHeaderAndWorkEffort because one 
already exists with the alias name [priority] and f
ield name [OH(OrderHeader).priority], existing field name is [WE.priority]
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,296 (main) [        ModelReader.java:388:INFO ] 
FINISHED LOADING ENTITIES - ALL FILES; #Entities=832 #ViewEntities=255 
#Fields=8643 #Relationships=2858 #AutoRelationships=2108
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,328 (main) [   GenericDelegator.java:230:INFO ] 
Doing entity definition check...
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,328 (main) [ ModelEntityChecker.java:501:INFO ] 
[initReservedWords] array length=1023
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,500 (main) [   GenericDelegator.java:233:WARN ] 
=-=-=-=-= Found 2 warnings when checking the entity definitions:
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,500 (main) [   GenericDelegator.java:235:WARN ] 
[RelationFkDuplicate] Relation to PaymentType from entity 
PaymentAndTypePartyNameView has a duplicate fk-name "PAYMENT_PMTYP".
     [java] 2009-11-05 23:55:24,500 (main) [   GenericDelegator.java:235:WARN ] 
[RelationFkDuplicate] Relation to PaymentMethodType from entity 
PaymentAndTypePartyNameView has a duplicate fk-name "PAYMENT_PME

Good night :o)


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