Hi All,

Hope you all are doing good!

It's been more than a year since I last contributed to Stratos as a GSoC
project. I would like to start contributing again.

I liked the idea of "Ignite Architecture". Just wondering if there are any
tasks that are planed on which I can try my hands?


On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 6:29 AM, Imesh Gunaratne <im...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Lakmal Warusawithana <lak...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Shall we start with a POC?
>> Couple of point to note:
>>    - Stratos api server should be very light weight
>>    - for state saving we should used external service (eg. external etcd
>>    )
>>    - failure of Stratos should not affect any running application.
>>    - shall we look TOSCA for supporting standard composite app model?
>> +1 Lakmal! Will start with a POC. May be we can use a branch for this.
> Once things are stable will move to the master branch.
> Thanks
>> Better if we can have public google doc to capture architecture. Created
>> a doc [1]. Let start with basic components architecture.
>> [1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HnvCzmYqPVpqXSYV-
>> PwGo9d8cmjYKPCPx3TCMKJx8cQ/edit
>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 2:13 AM, Imesh Gunaratne <im...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> It's really nice to see the enthusiasm on re-igniting Stratos and
>>> starting a new journey. The day Lakmal proposed this I challenged the idea
>>> for several hours and analyzed it's pros & cons. This thread has already
>>> discussed those in detail.
>>> IMO Stratos Ignite Architecture should be simple enough to do the
>>> following:
>>> docker run -d -p 8080:8080 stratos
>>> stratos login https://docker-host:8080/
>>> stratos add platform kubernetes https://kubernetes-master/
>>> stratos add platform mesos https://mesos-master/
>>> stratos add platform swarm https://swarm-host/
>>> stratos add platform aws-ecs
>>> stratos deploy tomcat --platform=kubernetes
>>> stratos deploy tomcat --platform=mesos
>>> stratos deploy tomcat --platform=swarm
>>> stratos deploy tomcat --platform=ecs
>>> Architecturally Stratos should be able to run using a light-weight
>>> single binary distribution and a key/value store like etcd for persistence.
>>> An API server can be exposed on the same binary and a CLI can be provided
>>> for user interaction. At a later stage an attractive UI can be introduced.
>>> I was evaluating a similar platform called Rancher very recently and
>>> they are also doing almost the same [1], but with a different vision and a
>>> strategy:
>>>    - The first main difference is rather than adding existing Container
>>>    Cluster Management Systems (CCMS) to Rancher, Rancher try to setup those
>>>    from scratch and manage them. I don't think a such system should manage
>>>    underlying CCMS.
>>>    - The next is that Rancher implements health checks [2] and
>>>    scheduling [3] of containers. IMO those should be handled by the 
>>> underlying
>>>    CCMS. Almost all the CCMSs provide those features.
>>>    - The other is implementing a single load balancer extension [4].
>>>    Rancher only supports haproxy, IMO a such solution should have support 
>>> for
>>>    many different load balancers depending on the platform the containers 
>>> are
>>>    deployed (ex: AWS-ECS, GCE-K8S).
>>> [1] http://docs.rancher.com/rancher/
>>> [2] http://docs.rancher.com/rancher/concepts/#health-checks
>>> [3] http://docs.rancher.com/rancher/concepts/#container-scheduling
>>> [4] http://docs.rancher.com/rancher/concepts/#load-balancer
>>> Thanks
>>> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 11:10 PM, Lahiru Sandaruwan <lahi...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Good article Akila. Yes, i think we need to define the scope for first
>>>> phase.
>>>> Tenant and identity management would be important with first phase, as
>>>> core Stratos services.
>>>> In second phase, we can look at few features to be implemented as value
>>>> additions, like follows.
>>>> List from Gartner is also interesting [1]. See the following list of
>>>> features. Out of those, I think something like environment management +
>>>> environment promotion is something Stratos can offer as an value added
>>>> service. Also, if we can also handle Autoscaling for the PaaSes which don't
>>>> have it, it would be good.
>>>> [image: paas criteria categories]
>>>> <http://blogs.gartner.com/richard-watson/files/2015/07/paas-criteria-categories1.png>
>>>> [1] http://blogs.gartner.com/richard-watson/dont-always-
>>>> evaluate-paas-list-criteria-list/
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Akila Ravihansa Perera <
>>>> raviha...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> While doing some online research on Multi-PaaS deployments, I found
>>>>> this white paper [1], "PaaSHopper: Policy-driven middleware for multi-PaaS
>>>>> environments", which proposes exactly what we are trying to do here.
>>>>> According to the paper, following are the challenges faced by users
>>>>> when deploying to multi-PaaS environments.
>>>>>  - Heterogeneity in development and deployment.
>>>>> There are a lot of vendor-specific solutions in PaaS world for similar
>>>>> architectural concepts. Because of that portability and interoperability 
>>>>> is
>>>>> restrained. Also there is a risk of vendor lock-in due to complexities in
>>>>> migrating to a different PaaS.
>>>>> - Fine-grained control over execution and storage.
>>>>> There can be security and legal concerns over the geographical
>>>>> location of processing and storage of data. Also service providers need
>>>>> control over how these PaaS environments are being utilized (based on
>>>>> policy model) to minimize the cost.
>>>>> PaaSHopper is a PaaS abstraction layer on top of different PaaS
>>>>> environments. It enables control over application deployment and execution
>>>>> through a policy-based model. However, I couldn't find a downloadable
>>>>> product or open source implementation of it.
>>>>> Advantages of proposed Stratos 5.0 solution to service providers as I
>>>>> see it;
>>>>>  - Service providers can use hybrid cloud deployments to reduce the
>>>>> cost.
>>>>> Different PaaS providers may support different features but depending
>>>>> on the use case of service providers PaaS environment selection can be
>>>>> optimized.
>>>>>  - Improved availability and scalability by deploying to multiple PaaS
>>>>> environments through a single platform.
>>>>>  - Improved interoperability of services deployed on muti-PaaS
>>>>> environments. Stratos needs a good service discovery model to support 
>>>>> this.
>>>>>  - Portability. Service providers should be able to move to a
>>>>> different PaaS without any changes to application code. Deployment and
>>>>> execution aspects are offloaded to Stratos.
>>>>> I think we need to discuss and clearly define the scope of Stratos in
>>>>> this newly proposed architecture. We might have to come up with a DSL to
>>>>> describe services and environments.
>>>>> [1] https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/123456789/470906/
>>>>> 3/Walraven-JISA-15.pdf
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Lakmal Warusawithana <lak...@wso2.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Great explanation Lahiru. Supporting multiple PaaS is not necessary
>>>>>> to run multi PaaS in one deployment, but if you switch the PaaS, it will
>>>>>> not change the user experience with Stratos. No need to re learn all
>>>>>> complicated PaaS terminologies.
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Lahiru Sandaruwan <
>>>>>> lahi...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Udara,
>>>>>>> IMO following are some advantages Stratos 5.0 can have.
>>>>>>>    - If we get the user experience right, users who has used
>>>>>>>    Stratos for one particular PaaS with Stratos, will not really lock 
>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>    expertise when they want to move to a different PaaS. Therefore it 
>>>>>>> avoids
>>>>>>>    the vendor lockin from context switching of expertise perspective.
>>>>>>>    - Stratos will seamlessly integrate other services such as
>>>>>>>    Kibana, Logstash services for someone's PaaS. These services are also
>>>>>>>    managed by Stratos, making underlying connections between them and 
>>>>>>> PaaS. So
>>>>>>>    he can keep changing his choices and do experiments due to that 
>>>>>>> advantage.
>>>>>>>    - In addition to above, Stratos can also provide more value
>>>>>>>    addition services if there are no other 3rd party applications 
>>>>>>> available in
>>>>>>>    a particular area.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 6:08 AM, Udara Liyanage <ud...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Lakmal,
>>>>>>>> To my understanding most Stratos users sticked to one IaaS though
>>>>>>>> Stratos supported multiple IaaS (cloud bursting). There are very few 
>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>> used multiple IaaS such as Ec2 and Openstack at the same time with 
>>>>>>>> Stratos.
>>>>>>>> With above knowledge and Stratos acts as a wrapper for PaaS,  will
>>>>>>>> users use multiple PaaSs, in which case Stratos become handy? In other
>>>>>>>> words, if users are using only one PaaS, say Kuberneties would Stratos 
>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> useful for them?
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 5:51 AM, Chamila de Alwis <
>>>>>>>> cham...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> In a way, this is a wrapper to different PaaS frameworks. However,
>>>>>>>>> the new architecture will also unify concept-wise the different 
>>>>>>>>> approaches
>>>>>>>>> these different PaaS frameworks have for Container cluster management.
>>>>>>>>> @Lakmal, please correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Chamila de Alwis
>>>>>>>>> Committer and PMC Member - Apache Stratos
>>>>>>>>> Blog: code.chamiladealwis.com
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 2:36 AM, Sajith Kariyawasam <
>>>>>>>>> saj...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> With this architecture, will Stratos be a wrapper for different
>>>>>>>>>> other PaaS frameworks?
>>>>>>>>>> With Jclouds we get a unified interface for multiple IaaSes, with
>>>>>>>>>> this approach we thinking of proposing Stratos to provide a unified
>>>>>>>>>> interface to talk to different PaaS s?
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Chamil de Alwis <
>>>>>>>>>> cham...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> As Lakmal mentioned, IMO it is important to focus on a single
>>>>>>>>>>> user experience on top of multiple PaaS frameworks. Various PaaSes 
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> their own implementations and compositions of common PaaS and 
>>>>>>>>>>> Container
>>>>>>>>>>> cluster related concepts. IMO Stratos Ignite Architecture should 
>>>>>>>>>>> scope, at
>>>>>>>>>>> least initially, to consolidate these concepts to a single 
>>>>>>>>>>> abstraction.
>>>>>>>>>>> This should add minimum new knowledge as it could easily become a 
>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>> "PaaS" to learn if the abstraction becomes too complex.
>>>>>>>>>>> Go lang has proven itself to be able to handle development
>>>>>>>>>>> processes involved with current Container related space, so I'm +1 
>>>>>>>>>>> to use
>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Chamila de Alwis
>>>>>>>>>>> Committer and PMC Member - Apache Stratos
>>>>>>>>>>> Blog: code.chamiladealwis.com
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Raj Chudasama <
>>>>>>>>>>> raj.chudas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> this looks great!
>>>>>>>>>>>> i hope that you all keep this open to dev community for input
>>>>>>>>>>>> as well as share your progress.  please take all your decisions 
>>>>>>>>>>>> through the
>>>>>>>>>>>> appropriate Apache 2.0 guidelines.
>>>>>>>>>>>> i can see a bright future with these changes.  GO did bring
>>>>>>>>>>>> many improvements to PCF.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 7:59 PM, Lakmal Warusawithana <
>>>>>>>>>>>> lak...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Devs,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Couple of time community were discussed about Stratos refacing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to carter new technology and threads. Yesterday I have met 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (unplanned
>>>>>>>>>>>>> meeting) few PMC/committers (Lakmal, Imesh, Akila, Chamilad, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IsuruH)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> offline and discussed and came up $subject. Please share your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> valuable
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thoughts and feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stratos 4.x and previous versions are mainly focused on run
>>>>>>>>>>>>> application on top of IaaS. To support multiple IaaSes, we used 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> apache
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jclouds. But rise of the container technology future app dev and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> deployment
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will couple with containers not VM. Because of that we have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> integrated k8s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> support in Stratos 4.1.x release. But if we carefully looked at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.1.x and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new k8s releases, we are adding additional layer to k8s without 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefits. Personally I don't like to duplicate engineering effort 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not giving any value to community. This is the background 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought of why Stratos need refacing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stratos 5.0 - proposing name "Ignite Architecture", we though
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of fully focus on container based application 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> development/deployment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ​
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We do not want to reinvent or compete with current PaaS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> providers. We propose to change the strategy to support multi 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PaaS instead
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of support multiple IaaS(Stratos 4.x). In high level, Stratos 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will provide
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unique workflow across deferent PaaS to deploy apps. Users are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not going to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tie up with PaaS vendors, they will have flexibility to use any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PaaS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stratos will play a role in-between PaaS and SaaS. Initially we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can start
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with k8s (since we all have domain knowledge) then will add 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos, CF, ECS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> User experience should be very simple. One main problem I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen in all of these PaaS, their technologies are very complicate 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand average user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is total rewrite of Stratos. We discussed to rewrite with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GO, main reason Stratos itself should run in-side a container.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please share your thoughts.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> p.s: @(Imesh, Akila, Chamilad, IsuruH) please add if I missed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lakmal Warusawithana
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vice President, Apache Stratos
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : http://lakmalsview.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Sajith Kariyawasam
>>>>>>>>>> *Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos, *
>>>>>>>>>> *WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*
>>>>>>>>>> *Mobile: 0772269575 <0772269575>*
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Udara Liyanage
>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.: http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>> lean. enterprise. middleware
>>>>>>>> web: http://udaraliyanage.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>> phone: +94 71 443 6897
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Lakmal Warusawithana
>>>>>> Director - Cloud Architecture; WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>> Mobile : +94714289692
>>>>>> Blog : http://lakmalsview.blogspot.com/
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Lahiru Sandaruwan
>>>> Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos,
>>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com
>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>> phone: +94773325954
>>>> email: lahi...@wso2.com blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
>>>> linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/lahiru-sandaruwan/16/153/146
>>> --
>>> Imesh Gunaratne
>>> Senior Technical Lead, WSO2
>>> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos
>> --
>> Lakmal Warusawithana
>> Vice President, Apache Stratos
>> Blog : http://lakmalsview.blogspot.com/
> --
> Imesh Gunaratne
> Senior Technical Lead, WSO2
> Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos

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