The Apache Stratos community is pleased to announce the availability of
Apache Stratos 4.1.6.

Apache Stratos is a PaaS framework that is designed to address the various
challenges currently faced in the Cloud PaaS space. For developers, Stratos
provides a cloud-based environment for developing, testing, and running
scalable applications. IT providers benefit from high utilization rates,
automated resource management, and platform-wide insight including
monitoring and billing.

You can read more about Stratos and its features at website:

Bug Fixes & Improvements:


   Fixed issue of Kubernetes cluster update is not working

   Fixed issue of Load Balancer IPs are not shown correctly when there is
   only one lb IP

   Fixed issue of Monitoring dashboard 'In_Flight_Request' gadget is not
   showing data

   Fixed issue of AWS LB Extension Tries to Create Already Existing LBs and

   Fixed issue of An Integer Unboxing Error is Raised in Kubernetes IaaS

   Dynamic Thread Pool Implementation for StratosThreadPool

   Adding oracle database support for metering and monitoring dashboard

   Proxy Support for AWS LB Extension

   Kubernetes namespace support to Stratos

Release notes can be found at:

Try downloading it from:

The source distribution's samples directory has bunch of different examples
for various cloud infrastructure providers (EC2, OpenStack, Kubernetes,
etc) that you can use to setup a cloud. Try it out and let us know what you

We would like to thank all the contributors who made this release possible.


Apache Stratos Team

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