See <>


[molinaro] THRIFT-1151 - support R13 as well as R14

[bryanduxbury] THRIFT-1211. java: When using THttpClient, non 200 responses 
leave the connection open

This patch reorders the code so that we can close the connection in the case of 
an error.

Patch: Mathias Herberts

[...truncated 5018 lines...]
testList (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:17] "POST 
/ HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testMap (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:17] "POST / 
HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testMapMap (__main__.CompactTest) ... ok
testMulti (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:17] "POST 
/ HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testNest (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:17] "POST 
/ HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testOneway (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] 
"POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testOnewayThenNormal (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 
15:30:18] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testSet (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] "POST / 
HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testString (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] 
"POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testStruct (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] 
"POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testTypedef (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] 
"POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
testVoid (__main__.CompactTest) ... localhost - - [20/Jun/2011 15:30:18] "POST 
/ HTTP/1.0" 200 -

Ran 18 tests in 0.695s

ython ./ --proto=compact --port=9090 TNonblockingServer
Testing client: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=compact --port=9090 
OK: Finished  TNonblockingServer / compact proto / zlib=False / SSL=False.   63 
combinations tested.

Test run #64:  Server=THttpServer,  Proto=accel,  zlib=False,  SSL=False
Testing server THttpServer: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=accel 
--port=9090 THttpServer
Testing client: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=accel --port=9090 
OK: Finished  THttpServer / accel proto / zlib=False / SSL=False.   64 
combinations tested.

Test run #65:  Server=THttpServer,  Proto=binary,  zlib=False,  SSL=False
Testing server THttpServer: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=binary 
--port=9090 THttpServer
Testing client: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=binary --port=9090 
OK: Finished  THttpServer / binary proto / zlib=False / SSL=False.   65 
combinations tested.

Test run #66:  Server=THttpServer,  Proto=compact,  zlib=False,  SSL=False
Testing server THttpServer: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=compact 
--port=9090 THttpServer
Testing client: /usr/bin/python ./ --proto=compact --port=9090 
OK: Finished  THttpServer / compact proto / zlib=False / SSL=False.   66 
combinations tested.
All 4 tests passed
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: Leaving directory 
Making check in py.twisted
make[2]: Entering directory 
../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen py:twisted ../ThriftTest.thrift
../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen py:twisted ../SmallTest.thrift
    testByte ...                                                           [OK]
    testDouble ...                                                         [OK]
    testException ...                                                      [OK]
    testI32 ...                                                            [OK]
    testI64 ...                                                            [OK]
    testOneway ...                                                         [OK]
    testString ...                                                         [OK]
    testStruct ...                                                         [OK]
    testVoid ...                                                           [OK]

Ran 9 tests in 2.037s

PASSED (successes=9)
make[2]: Leaving directory 
Making check in rb
make[2]: Entering directory 
../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen rb ../ThriftTest.thrift
../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen rb ../SmallTest.thrift
/usr/bin/ruby test_suite.rb
Loaded suite test_suite
Finished in 0.001731 seconds.

12 tests, 25 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
make[2]: Leaving directory 
Making check in hs
make[2]: Entering directory 
../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen hs ../ConstantsDemo.thrift
../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen hs ../DebugProtoTest.thrift
 64-bit constant "10000000000" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "10000000000" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

../../compiler/cpp/thrift --gen hs ../ThriftTest.thrift
sh ConstantsDemo
Generating bindings... 
Running test... 
SERVER: Ready...
SERVER: SERVER: Got blingity
SERVER: SERVER: Got blangity
sh DebugProtoTest
Generating bindings... 
 64-bit constant "10000000000" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "10000000000" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "4294967295" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "1099511627775" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "281474976710655" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "72057594037927935" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

 64-bit constant "9223372036854775807" may not work in all languages.

Running test... 
SERVER: Ready...
SERVER: Got janky method call: Just 42
SERVER: Got voidMethod method call
SERVER: Got primitiveMethod call
SERVER: Got structMethod call
CLIENT: CompactProtoTestStruct {f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_byte = Just 1, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_i16 = Just 2, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_i32 = Just 
3, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_i64 = Just 4, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_double = 
Just 0.1, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_string = Just "abcdef", 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_binary = Just Empty, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_true_field = Just True, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_false_field = Just False, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_empty_struct_field = Just Empty, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_list = Nothing, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i16_list 
= Nothing, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i32_list = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i64_list = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_double_list = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_string_list = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_binary_list = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_boolean_list = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_struct_list = Just [Empty], 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_set = Nothing, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i16_set = 
Nothing, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i32_set = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i64_set = Nothing, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_double_set 
= Nothing, f_CompactProtoTestStruct_string_set = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_binary_set = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_boolean_set = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_struct_set = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i16_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i32_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i64_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_double_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_string_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_binary_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_boolean_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_i16_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_i32_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_i64_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_double_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_string_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_binary_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_boolean_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_list_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_set_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_map_byte_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_map_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_set_map = Nothing, 
f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_list_map = Nothing}
SERVER: Got methodWithDefaultArgs: Just 42
SERVER: Got onewayMethod
SERVER: Got identity method: Just 42
sh ThriftTest
Generating bindings... 
Running test... 

    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `Iface.testStringMap'
    In the instance declaration for `Iface.ThriftTest_Iface

<no location info>: 
Failing due to -Werror.

make[2]: *** [check] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
Archiving artifacts
Publishing Javadoc

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