
John3 writes "For the past 15+ years I've maintained The Hardlines Digest (URL omitted to reduce the /. effect), an email discussion list for members of the retail hardware and lumber business. Since the beginning I've run the list on a Windows box running Lyris Listmanager, and it's worked admirably over the years. However, the list now has over 2,600 members and Listmanager doesn't have a nice web interface for users that like to read via their browser. Listmanager also doesn't handle attachments and HTML formatting well for the daily 'digest' version of the discussions. Finally, I'd really like to move hosting off-site so I don't need to maintain the server. The list members are hardware store owners and many are technically challenged, so I need to keep change to a minimum and make it easy for them to migrate. I've considered Google Groups and that seems to have most of the features I need. Are there any other low cost solutions for hosting a large discussion list?"


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The D programming language people have successfully combined a mailing list and tradition web forum into one. What's more, the web forum is lightning fast to boot (fastest ever forum I've ever used - why can't phpBB etc. be that fast?).

The exact specifics are unknown to me, but from what I've heard, they've done a terrific job: []

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Sweet Jesus Fuck that is fast.

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Vladimir Panteleev (aka CyberShadow) has mentioned some of the reasons why it's so fast at ycombinator []:

* Optimized and deflated static resources
* Deflated HTML output
* SQLite prepared statements
* Integrated HTTP server (although it's currently in front of an Apache proxy) * An optimized string builder (
* RAM cache of frequent DB queries

A Reddit story exists too where he speaks more about it: []

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