
Trying to bring a django app into production, and I ran into a real 

I have a Class based view inherited from create.  When the page reloads, 
after validation, I check the initial dictionary for a field's value to 
fill in the queryset for a different field.

I'm getting sporadic errors about one of the fields not found in the 
initial object.  When I looked closer into the problem, the initial 
dicitonary matched a form for a totally different model.

If I need to pre-populate the initial dictionary, I override the 
get_initial and return the dictionary that I want.  I am not setting 
initial= in the class definition.  Is this the right way to do this task?

I am concerned about a static initial dictionary sticking around.  The base 
edit class returns a copy of the initial dictionary, but if the initial 
dicitonary somehow has invalid values in it, I could be seeing this for all 
my forms.

This is what I did for the initial dictionary:

class UserCreateView(AdminCreateView):





    def get_form_kwargs(self):

        kwargs = super(UserCreateView, self).get_form_kwargs()

        kwargs.update({'request' : self.request})

        return kwargs 


    def get_initial(self):

        return {}

On a ModelForm (unrelated to the form/model above) I was trying to access 
the self.initial for a particular field, which threw a Key exception.  The 
initial dictionary passed down on the yellow screen did not match the form 
or data for the view at all.


{'initial': {'agency': <Agency: Baldwin>,
             'canEnterMealCounts': False,
             'canManageCalendar': True,
             'canManageCustomerAllergies': True,
             'canManageFieldTrips': True,
             'canManageSocializations': True,
             'canManageSpecialOrders': True,
             'canManageSupplies': False,
             'canPrintMenus': True,
             'chefablesUser': False,
             'location': <QuerySet []>,
             'phone': PhoneNumber(country_code=1, national_number=2018158136, 
extension=None, italian_leading_zero=None, number_of_leading_zeros=None, 
country_code_source=1, preferred_domestic_carrier_code=None)},
 'instance': None,
 'prefix': None}

I have no idea where that initial dictionary came from.  My get_form_kwargs 
looks like this:

    def get_form_kwargs(self):

        kwargs = super(PendingLabelsCreateView, self).get_form_kwargs()

        kwargs.update({'user': self.request.user})

        return kwargs

The direct ancestor doesn;'t have get_form_kwargs defined, and that is 
defined as such:

class AdminCreateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPassesTestMixin, CreateView):

I need to understand where that initial value came from and determine if I 
have static values where I don't want them.

Thanks in advance

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