Populating list_display with data from two models?

2009-02-26 Thread Jamie Richard Wilson
I've extended the User model with a UserPofile model and have inline editing working. Setup is something like this: class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey( User, unique=True, ) position = models.ForeignKey(Position) ...etc... I need a lis

Re: InlineModelAdmin objects question

2009-02-25 Thread Jamie Richard Wilson
This might answer your question: http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/45bce29f331acb5e Kevin Coyner wrote: > I am using the Auth system in django and have a separate app People > that I'm using to keep more detailed info (i.e. address, phone, etc) > on my users.

Admin interface for user management

2009-02-25 Thread Jamie Richard Wilson
I'm working on an online newsroom project and have a need to extend the user profile beyond the included basics. I also need to grant permissions to allow the online editorial staff to create new user accounts to associate with new content if the account doesn't already exist. In most cases there