I am trying to build activity logs by a User or any other model object, to 
which a user can follow/subscribe.

These are the models related with logging the activities and following them:

*class Activity(models.Model):    """    An activity log : Actor acts on 
target    Actor can be a User or a model Object    """    
actor_content_type = models.ForeignKey(        ContentType, 
on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="actor_type")    actor_object_id = 
models.PositiveIntegerField()    actor = 
GenericForeignKey('actor_content_type', 'actor_object_id')    description = 
models.TextField()    target_content_type = models.ForeignKey(        
ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="target_type")    
target_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()    target = 
GenericForeignKey('target_content_type', 'target_object_id')*
*    timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)*

*class Follow(models.Model):    """    A user can follow any User or model 
objects.    """    user = models.ForeignKey(User, 
on_delete=models.CASCADE)    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, 
on_delete=models.CASCADE)    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()    
follow_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')*


   - Thor follows user Loki // User follows User
   - Thor follows user Stark // User follows User
   - Thor follows project Avenger // User follows Project

And suppose these are activities:

   - Nick Fury Created a project "Shield"
   - Nick Fury Created a project "Avengers"
   - Stark created a project "Mark II"
   - Avengers added Vision
   - Dr Strange created a project Dormammu

I can get the user *Thor* :
*thor = User.objects.get(email="t...@gmail.com")* 

And get the list of users/objects followed by *Thor*:

*thor.follow_set.all() *
*<QuerySet [<Follow: t...@gmail.com follows l...@gmail.com>, <Follow: 
t...@gmail.com follows st...@gmail.com>, <Follow: t...@gmail.com follows 
Avengers>]> *

Now to get the list of activities followed by the user Thor, I tried this:

* q = Q(actor__in=thor.follow_set.all())| Q(target__in= 
thor.follow_set.all()) *
*Activity.objects.filter(q) *

But its throwing an error:

*FieldError: Field 'actor' does not generate an automatic reverse relation 
and therefore cannot be used for reverse querying. If it is a 
GenericForeignKey, consider adding a GenericRelation.*

I can get all the activities for a single object followed by user Thor:

*followed_last = thor.follow_set.last().follow_object *

*q = Q(actor_content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(followed_last), 
target_object_id=followed_last.id)) *

* Activity.objects.filter(q)*
*<QuerySet [<Activity: Avengers Added vis...@gmail.com>, <Activity: 
nickf...@gmail.om Created Avengers>]> *

But how can I get all the activities Thor is following from the above 

   - Nick Fury Created a project "Avengers"
   - Stark created a project "Mark II"
   - Avengers added Vision

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