PWells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterence to the drakelist gang
Lee you put up 7 postings critcizing a FS-4 syntheszser project. Hey man ease up a bit. The best way to kill initiative is to criticize something before it flies.This is exactly the opposite of ham radio's attitude toward innovation. Its just someone sounding out the 'market". If we all start by saying that its probably no good for sure it will never be produced.
Give the guy a chance ...I'm sure that if there are enough positive answers we will get more info.
BTW a synthesizer can only work in 500khz increments with a R-4 's 0.5 Mhz VFO spread. Just think about it 500khz = 0 .5Mhz.
Let's wait and see, I'm sure more info will come out. One thing for sure the board is going to have to be assembled and working, I don't want a kit. I'll furnish the case and PWR supply.
Peter VE2FAR
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