Hello All,

unfortunately it would seem I have upset Wayne a bit by making public the contents of 
his reply to my raising of concerns about the YA5T operation.

I apologise without reserve for this breach of etiquette. However my motives were only 
to engender debate about what I see as an issue of concern to DXers.

I am a member of both ARRL and the DXCC and like many others have devoted many years 
and lots of energy into what I believed was the premier DXing award.
 I believe that it would be a pity if the value I and others attach to DXCC was 
lessened by the apparant random 'moving of the goalposts' to suit particular 

I think that perhaps a little more transparency would prevent misunderstandings rather 
than the use of vague phrases such as 'acceptable documentation'.

My belief was that we DXers were a community and that as we would all be very 
interested in Wayne's reply to my original query there would be little harm done by 
extracting from his reply. I was it seems mistaken and in closing I take again the 
opportunity to restate my apology to Wayne N7NG.


Declan EI6FR
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