Greetings all,

We had an interesting time a few years ago in the UK when PLT (power
line telecomms) was a new threat.  We built a mains supply to spec
complete with street lighting standards and then tested various power
line transmission proposals for radiation.  Needless to say it
radiated, even when the light standards were disconnected.  The test
results were all very well but it was all summed up quite nicely
when, still without the light standards, the amateurs in the
technical group held 57 (if not 59) QSOs with most of continental
europe on QPR rigs.

The cable isnt underground in the rf sense, its just in a different
dielectric medium and -2ft AGL.

Regards   Alan G0HIQ

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
.......Doesn't that give the lie to our historical claims that you
can put
  the usual utility lines underground but not radio antennas?

  I guess that with enough power one can put any antenna underground
  (GWEN) or even underwater (SUBCOMM) but let's not give my wife any
  more ammunition!!

  Has anyone here tried it?

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane

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