Keep the federal government out of the bed rooms of America. Keep them  out 
of health care its an individual responsibility & a state responsibility  
not federal one except for veterans. They can NOT even balance a budget 
except  for debt &thanks to the Chinese buying that debt along with the 
gov  to finance this debt. The feds can not collect taxes well not that they 
should  on & on . when they can do well the above & or address the social  
security problem with its finance balance a or one budget then let states do 
 health care till then its an individual job under our constution. 
In a message dated 8/24/2009 4:36:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

raunchydog wrote:
> Keep up the pressure for the public  option..,
We don't want a public option - that's just one 
more  insurance company to be subsidized by the 
government. We want the cost of  medical care to 
be reduced, so we can afford our own medical 
care.  Without a reduction in costs, there are 
no choices. 

We don't want  the federal government subsidizing 
any insurance companies, public or  private, 
without any cost containment, period. 

We want to be able  to buy discount prescription 
medications. The politicians need to get some  
smarts, before it's too late, and get out of bed 
with the insurance  companies and stop getting 
paid off by the big pharmaceutical  companies.

Keep up the pressure for lower health care  costs.

Don't vote for any politician that accepts 
donations from  insurance companies or big 
pharmaceuticals. Up to and including Barack  Obama.

Kick the bums out - don't vote for any of them
until they do  their job of protecting the U.S.
consumer. At present, I see almost none of  them
doing that - all they are doing is trying to
protect their own  backside and get  re-elected.


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