SPIN METER: Obama disconnects rhetoric, reality   By  ERICA WERNER

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON  — In President Barack Obama's sales pitch for his jobs 
bill, there are two versions of reality: The one in his speeches and the
one actually unfolding in Washington.
  [cxImageStoryLeft border666]    FILE - In this Sept. 8, 2011, file
photo President Barack Obama speaks  to a joint session of Congress at
the Capitol in Washington, as Vice  President Joe Biden and House
Speaker John Boehner listen.  In Obama's  sales pitch for his jobs
bill, there are two versions of reality: The  one in his speeches and
the one actually unfolding in Washington. When  Obama accuses
Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly $450  billion plan, he
ignores the fact that his own party has struggled to  unite behind the
proposal. And when the president says Republicans  haven't explained
what they oppose in the plan, he skips over the fact  that Republicans
who control the House actually have done that in  detail. (AP
Photo/Charles Dharapak)
  [cxImageStoryLeft border666]    FILE - In this Sept. 14, 2011, file
photo, President Barack Obama holds  up the American Jobs Act as he
speaks at North Carolina State University  in Raleigh, N.C.  In
Obama's sales pitch for his jobs bill, there are  two versions of
reality: The one in his speeches and the one actually  unfolding in
Washington. When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in  the way of
his nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his  own party
has struggled to unite behind the proposal. (AP Photo/Gerry  Broome)
  [cxImageStoryLeft border666]    FILE - In this Oct. 4, 2011, file
photo, President Barack Obama speaks  at Eastfield College in Mesquite,
Texas. When Obama accuses Republicans  of standing in the way of his
nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the  fact that his own party has
struggled to unite behind the proposal. And  when the president says
Republicans haven't explained what they oppose  in the plan, he
skips over the fact that Republicans who control the  House actually
have done that in detail.  (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
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When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly 
$450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his own party has struggled 
to unite behind the proposal.

When the president says Republicans haven't explained what they  oppose
in the plan, he skips over the fact that Republicans who control  the
House actually have done that in detail.

And when he calls on Congress to "pass this bill now," he slides past 
the point that Democrats control the Senate and were never prepared to 
move immediately, given other priorities. Senators are expected to vote 
Tuesday on opening debate on the bill, a month after the president 
unveiled it with a call for its immediate passage.

To be sure, Obama is not the only one engaging in rhetorical  excesses.
But he is the president, and as such, his constant remarks on  the bill
draw the most attention and scrutiny.

The disconnect between what Obama says about his jobs bill and what 
stands as the political reality flow from his broader aim: to rally the 
public behind his cause and get Congress to act, or, if not, to pin 
blame on Republicans.

He is waging a campaign, one in which nuance and context and  competing
responses don't always fit in if they don't help make the  case.

For example, when Obama says his jobs plan is made up of ideas that 
have historically had bipartisan support, he stops the point there. Not 
mentioned is that Republicans have never embraced the tax increases that
he is proposing to cover the cost of his plan.

Likewise, from city to city, Obama is demanding that Congress act (he 
means Republicans) while it has been clear for weeks that the GOP will 
not support all of his bill, to say the least. Individual elements of it
may well pass, such as Obama's proposal to extend and expand a payroll 
tax cut. But Republicans strongly oppose the president's proposed new 
spending and his plan to raise taxes on millionaires to pay for the 

The fight over the legislative proposal has become something much 
bigger: a critical test of the president's powers of persuading the 
public heading into the 2012 presidential campaign, and of Republicans' 
ability to deny him a win and reap victory for themselves.

"He knows it's not going to pass. He's betting that voters won't pick 
up on it, or even if they do they will blame Congress and he can run 
against the 'do-nothing Congress,'" said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a senior 
fellow at the University of Southern California's School of Policy, 
Planning and Development.

John Sides, political science professor at George Washington 
University, said Obama's approach on the jobs bill is "more about 
campaigning than governing."

"He's mostly just going around talking about this and drawing  contrasts
with what the Republicans want and what he wants and not  really trying
to work these legislative levers he might be able to use  to get this
passed," Sides said. "That just suggests to me that he is  ready to use
a failed jobs bill as a campaign message against the  Republicans."

The president's opponents aren't exactly laying it all out, either.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tried to force a vote  on
the bill last week, innocently claiming that the president was  entitled
to one. McConnell knew full well that the result would be  failure for
the legislation and an embarrassment for Obama.

House Speaker John Boehner, meanwhile, claimed that Obama has "given  up
on the country and decided to campaign full-time" instead of seeking 
common ground with the GOP. But Boehner neglected to mention that 
Obama's past attempts at compromise with Republicans often yielded scant
results, as Obama himself pointed out.

The approach for Obama, who is seeking a second term in a dismal 
economy, is far different than the one he took when running for 
president. He criticized the GOP then, but talked about ending 
blue-state and red-state America, replacing it with one America, fixing 
the broken political system, and fundamentally changing Washington.

That ended up being change he could not bring about, and now analysts 
say Obama may have little choice but to campaign more narrowly by 
attacking opponents rather than trying to bring people together.

Obama's attempts at compromise with the GOP on the debt ceiling and 
budget won him little in the way of policy, instead engendering 
frustration from Democrats who saw him as caving to Republican demands.

The new, combative Obama isn't looking for compromise. He's looking  for
a win. And if he can't get the legislative victory he says he wants,  he
has made clear that he's more than willing to take a political win.

It is, he acknowledges, a result his campaign for his jobs bill is
designed to achieve.

Talking up the bill in an appearance last month with African-American 
news websites, Obama said: "I need people to be out there promoting 
this and pushing this and making sure that everybody understands the 
details of what this would mean, so that one of two things happen: 
Either Congress gets it done, or if Congress doesn't get it done, people
know exactly what's holding it up."

EDITOR'S NOTE _ An occasional look behind the rhetoric of public


October 10, 2011 06:31 AM EDT

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