This message is from: Joan griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I started this discussion of bits because I plan to enter some of
  the English classes at the National Show in Winona. I will not be
  participating in the evaluation or in dressage classes. As Mike May
  quoted from the rule book, Kimberwicke bits are allowed in the
  English classes, however, the judge can "penalize" you for using a
  Kimberwicke. In Wayne's posting, he apparently will penalize those
  who use a Kimberwicke. This is too bad, as my horse is very
  comfortable in his bit and is not happy in a snaffle. My bit is a
  three piece bit and lies very nicely on the tongue. I guess, I'm
  wondering if I would be penalized if I used the Kimberwicke without
  the chain and had my reins on the higher slots and therefore, no
  leverage would be involved and it would be a "level playing field"
  as has been meantioned. Joni

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