CheckReference in below test fails due to that
PersistenceSpecification returns a proxy class so "obj.GetType() !=
typeof(Category)" fails in Category.Equals.
I had to add a check if type starts with CategoryProxy which is not nice.
Anyone has a better solution?

public class ProductMapTest : MappingBaseTester<Product>
  public void Can_save_product()
    new PersistenceSpecification<Product>(Session)
      .CheckProperty(x => x.Name, "Abc")
      .CheckProperty(x => x.SKU, "136-89-010")
      .CheckReference(x => x.Category, new Category{Name = "Electronics"})

public class Category : IIdentity
  public override bool Equals(object obj)
    if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
    if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
    ################ Note the check if type name starts with
CategoryProxy  ##################
    if (obj.GetType() != typeof(Category) &&
!obj.GetType().Name.StartsWith(typeof(Category).Name + "Proxy"))
return false;
    return Equals((Category) obj);

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