On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 04:50:36AM +0300, Omar Aloraini via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> I'm trying to create a sub CA that is managed by IPA and be able to sign
> certificates with arbitrary subjects.
> You can create a profile for a sub CA and sign the sub CA certificate. I
> have followed this guide previously with success:
> https://frasertweedale.github.io/blog-redhat/posts/2018-08-21-ipa-subordinate-ca.html
> Doing it this way, you have to manage the private key yourself. What I want
> to do now is to let IPA manage the private key and the sub CA just like the
> root CA. This will let me use the IPA API to request certificates with the
> issuesr set to the sub CA.
> I did roughly the following:
> # ipa ca-add kubernetes-ca --subject=CN=kubernetes-ca,O=$DOMAIN
> --desc='Kubernetes general CA'
> # ipa ca-add etcd-ca --subject=CN=etcd-ca,O=$DOMAIN --desc='For all
> etcd-related functions'
> # ipa ca-add kubernetes-front-proxy-ca
> --subject=CN=kubernetes-front-proxy-ca,O=$DOMAIN --desc='For the front-end
> proxy'
> # ipa certprofile-import ipaSubCA --desc "IPA Managed Sub CA certs" --file
> subCA.cfg --store=1
> # ipa host-add --no-reverse --force k8s.$DOMAIN
> # ipa caacl-add ipaSubCA
> # ipa caacl-add-ca ipaSubCA --ca kubernetes-ca
> # ipa caacl-add-profile ipaSubCA --certprofile ipaSubCA
> # ipa caacl-add-host ipaSubCA --hosts k8s.$DOMAIN
> When creating the profile, I removed the common name constraint and the
> commonNameToSANDefaultImpl as per the guide.
> My ipaSubCA.cfg
> When I try to generate a certificate using ipa-getcert:
> sudo ipa-getcert request -f /etc/pki/tls/certs/app12.crt -k
> /etc/pki/tls/private/app12.key -K host/ipa.home.arpa -X kubernetes-ca -N
> kube-apiserver --profile ipaSubCA
> I get the following error:
> Server at https://ipa.home.arpa/ipa/json denied our request, giving up:
> 3009 (invalid 'csr': hostname in subject of request 'kube-apiserver' does
> not match name or aliases of principal 'host/ipa.home.a...@home.arpa')
> I'm not really fimilar with IPA design, but I'm guessing the there is
> validation happening at both IPA(caacl) and dogtag.
Correct.  IPA validates CSRs against a real host, user or service
object.  There is no way to issue certificates with arbitrary
subjects.  Other than by issing a sub-CA to an external issuer -
which is an approach you are already aware of.

> Is it possible to get such configratuon working? Or should I just mange the
> private key myself?
> I haven't tried prinipal aliases. They might work, but they are global
> object which will cause problems for me.
You can get further, but you still can't have arbitrary subjects.

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