External Email - Use Caution        

*The Autism Center of the Child Mind Institute **is inviting applications **for
a Data Analyst position. The Data Analyst’s role is to assist and support
the acquisition, manipulation, and analysis of data, as well as the
reporting of brain imaging results. For more information click below.*

The Child Mind Institute makes use of innovative MRI-imaging approaches to
characterize brain maturation in typical and atypical development in
childhood with an explicit focus on understanding the impact of psychiatric
illnesses on maturational processes. Additionally, the Child Mind Institute
is dedicated to the support of open science projects such as the
International Neuroimaging Datasharing Initiative (
and the Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes (
http://fcp-indi.github.com). With this background a pplications are
currently being invited for Data Analyst position in the Autism Center. The
Data Analyst’s role is to assist and support the acquisition, manipulation,
and analysis of data, as well as the reporting results. In particular, our
work includes: 1) support the preprocessing of large fMRI dataset in
developing population, 2) maintain databases and imaging processing
pipeline 3) test and develop new features (e.g., denoising, segmentation,
etc.). 4) implement quality assurance protocols for imaging datasets.

Reporting to the Director of the Autism Center (*Director: Adriana Di
Martino*), this is an exempt, full-time positions located in our NYC


   - Implementation, execution and maintenance of fMRI imaging analysis
   - Exploration of novel software packages and problem-solving for issues
   with current and planned software packages
   - Develop graphs, reports, and presentations of project results
   - Mentoring of junior research staff in data analysis theory and
   - Perform basic statistical analyses for projects and reports


   - Master’s degree in neuroscience, computer science, mathematics,
   statistics or related areas.
   - Extensive neuroimaging experience in fMRI analysis and proficiency
   with one or more packages (e.g. FreeSurfer, AFNI, FSL, Workbench or SPM)
   - Programming experience in one or more languages (e.g., Python, Matlab,
   R or similar platforms is required).
   - Significant prior neuroimaging experience with more imaging and/or
   simulation modalities (e.g., DTI, EEG, MEG, TMS etc.) is a plus, but not
   - A passion for the Child Mind Institute mission

To apply: * 
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