Re: [fw-general] Faltal Error with Controller Action on ZF

2010-01-06 Thread Big Al
Okay, I've done some empirical measurements to try and narrow the problem down and it seems that I get this error after I save a change to the file! Very strange. I can refresh the /alex/playback page repeatedly and everything displays fine. I then go into Zend Studio and add a space to the fil

Re: [fw-general] Faltal Error with Controller Action on ZF

2010-01-06 Thread Big Al
It's also worth pointing out that this doesn't crash PHP or Apache. I can still access other websites on the server that use PHP and they work fine. But if I go back to my Zend Framework site, refresh that page (or indeed go to any other page in the site) all I get is that error. It's like tha

Re: [fw-general] Faltal Error with Controller Action on ZF

2010-01-06 Thread Big Al
Daniel Latter wrote: > > Post your controller (bare essentials) it may help, even to rule it out, > > Thanks > Dan > Hi Dan, Here's the controller: class AlexController extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function recordAction() { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setN

Re: [fw-general] Faltal Error with Controller Action on ZF

2010-01-06 Thread Big Al
Jacques Marques wrote: > > When I change anything in my controller and try access it I receive this > message: > Fatal Error: Cannot override final method > Zend_Controller_Action::_forward() ... > > I am using Zend Framework 1.9.5 with Zend Server on Linux. > I am getting the same error and