---"You know, people don't understand, I went to an Ivy League college. I was a 
nice student. I did very well. I'm a very intelligent person," Trump said. 
...There has been some speculation that Trump was admitted to the elite school 
only because an admissions officer was a high school classmate of his older 
brother. Former classmates of Trump's said he spoke up in class a lot but 
didn't stand out as particularly brilliant and left a small impression on the 
school, according to The Boston Globe.
Trump Wants America to Know He's A 'Very Intelligent' Ivy Leaguer

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Trump Wants America to Know He's A 'Very Intelligent' Ivy Leaguer

President Donald Trump informed reporters on Wednesday he's a "very intelligent 
person" who was a "nice student"...



 John Haltiwanger,Newsweek 3 hours ago    
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Trump Wants America to Know He's A 'Very Intelligent' Ivy Leaguer
President Donald Trump informed reporters on Wednesday he's a "very intelligent 
person" who was a "nice student" at an Ivy League school—as he blamed the press 
for any negative impression Americans have of him.

Trump spends a substantial amount of time tweeting insults at his political 
opponents and began his presidential campaign by referring to Mexican 
immigrants as "rapists." But on Wednesday, he said reporters suggest that he is 
suggesting that he is "uncivil."

"You know, people don't understand, I went to an Ivy League college. I was a 
nice student. I did very well. I'm a very intelligent person," Trump said. 

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The president also said he has "one of the great memories of all time."
Trump did graduate from the Wharton School of Business at the University of 
Pennsylvania, an Ivy League school, but very little is known about his years 

There has been some speculation that Trump was admitted to the elite school 
only because an admissions officer was a high school classmate of his older 
brother. Former classmates of Trump's said he spoke up in class a lot but 
didn't stand out as particularly brilliant and left a small impression on the 
school, according to The Boston Globe.

Comparatively, Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, was the first black president 
of the Harvard Law Review. President Trump has a long history of measuring 
himself against Obama's achievements and attempting to present himself as more 

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It's also no secret the president has a tenuous relationship with facts and 
frequently misspeaks. Recently, he struggled to pinpoint the location of Puerto 
Rico and also didn't seem to know he was the president of the U.S. Virgin 
Islands. Whether or not these are the signs of a "very intelligent person" is 
ultimately up to the American people to decide. 

And Wednesday was certainly not the first time the president has boasted about 
his intellectual prowess.

"I’m, like, a really smart person," Trump said during a campaign speech in July 
2015. And, in 2013, Trump tweeted, "Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one 
of the highest—and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, 
it’s not your fault."

Trump also recently said he would defeat Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in an 
I.Q. test.

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