I'm having problems with getting FAM to use imon.

I have compiled imon as a module (as requested in the kernel help) and read as 
much as I can about FAM.

The problem is that imon doesn't seem to be used and as a result KDE Konq 
doesn't keep up with what is happening with the files it is showing.  ie. I 
can create a file and it will not detect this event or I can delete a file in 
the directory and it will keep displaying the file.  Another thing is that 
there are seconds delay in reporting the file size; which suggest FAM is 

Has any Gentoo guru got this to actually work?  I have used this on a Mandrake 
install so I'm trying to mimic this as I find the feature handy.

Result for imon "lsmod"
imon                    6820   0  (unused)

Is there config files I need to tweak?  The FAM documentation that I have read 
doesn't talk about having to point FAM towards imon in any way?  Is there 
something I'm missing?  I would be grateful for any assistance.


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