GeoServer/GeoTools meeting September 17 2012


Alessio Fabiani
Andrea Aime
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jukka Rahkonen
Justin Deoliveria
Simone Giannecchini
Chris Holmes


* 2.2.0 final
* Test framework upgrade (warp 10, engage!)
* CSW work
* FeatureCollection RFCs
* Unconference in Brisbane in November
* Incubation Meeting
* User List Update

Action items
* jdeolive -> help Christian move the CAS in extension
* jdeolive -> 2.2.0 release (jody shotgun)
* everyone: look at GSIP 80

2.2.0 final

Lack of bug reports again 2.2-RC3
- Go, Flight.
CAS issues blocking the release? --> move it to extension, Christian?? :-)
Jody: the less changes the better <-- for once is he learning?

Who does the release? jdeolive my hero!

Release notes: big, cumulate everything we did for GeoServer 2.2.0 series
- see format of geotools release anouncement ( download, thanks, About
2.2.0, About 2.2 Series ...).
- link to blog posts (for example app schema blog posts)
- collect content on wiki or titan pad

GeoTools 8.1 Feedback

aaime: thank people that have taken part by name
jdeolive: grab list form pull request
aaime: from git log

Test framework upgrade (warp 10, engage!)


Wien code sprint: piggy back on the OL one

Everyone to read Justin's proposal.

CSW work
- Getting close, almost CITE when using the xml-file-based store
- Wedneday is aaime is going to fork-off
- Niels moving on with ISO records on top of GeoServer catalog

- Any use of regular metadata (keywords, description)? ---> not touched
right now
- Any test function -> concate attributes into string and then use LIKE

- See email last week on Complex Feature with simple content / XPath Hell?
- PropertyAccessor conflicts (jxpath: no priority, global registry, etc...)

Feature Collection RFCS


Remove deprecated methods:

1. Create branch
2. Update GeoServer
3. Update uDig
4. Pull the trigger


Florence Tan working for three months.
SOAP in WFS 2.0, checkbox implementation not heavily tested
Non-app-schema source as an alternative.
Working demo, canned database.
(Jody: go for records!)
Approach: Precook database with mappings vs doing the maping dance a-la App
SOS 101 document. Executive summary.

Unconference in Brisbane in November

Open-source geospatial sprint and workshops
Organizers: Jody, Ben, Nathan Woodrow (QGIS), Pavan Sikka (CSIRO)
November: 15-16

User List Update

General trends from user mailings during two last weeks:
- WCS and WPS are coming more popular
- very few WPS clients (and mostly specifc to a set server)
- issue serving up large coverage? aaime to look up issue
- Coverages perhaps harder to handle with image/IO than with GDAL and

Incubation Meeting


Next Monday; no progress on GeoServer to report.
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