Hello everyone,

Thanks for your comments. I suggest then that I implement the behaviour as it was suggested in the example of WFS 2.0 specs, since this is also the least invasive for the geotools/geoserver code, and there don't appear to be any particular objections against it. I suggest also however, that I add a boolean parameter to the method in the CRS utility class "allowDifferentDimension" so that the method is generic enough for other purposes and its behaviour with regards to dimensional differences is clear.

Is this a solution that makes sense ?

Kind Regards


On 1/10/2021 09:43, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 7:05 PM Niels Charlier <ni...@scitus.be <mailto:ni...@scitus.be>> wrote:

    Hello Andrea,

    I did not mean to misrepresent you. I actually thought your
    suggestion made sense. The new method in the CRS class is
    (currently) only intended for reprojection.

The CRS class is a generic facade to the capabilities of the referencing subsystem, exposing some of its functionality in a simpler way. Its javadoc states "Simple utility class for making use of the {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate  reference system} and associated {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.Factory} implementations."

While most of the methods deal with reprojection, some have nothing to do with it, like "lookupIdentifier". The class is definitely not meant to be restricted to reprojection alone, nor has a specific focus on WFS related activities. As said before, it should represent the true capabilities of the referencing subsystem, modules that need specific restrictions
should have their

    As far as the standard goes, I was referring to the ""OGC® Web
    Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard – With Corrigendum"

    sections: srsName parameter
    and compatibly coordinate systems

    And in particular this example:
    "EXAMPLE: A feature with both 2D and 3D geometry properties is
    requested with srsName set to a 2D CRS; the 2D property is encoded
    in the requested CRS, and the 3D property is encoded with some 3D
    CRS identified in the srsName of the geometry."

Oh, quite interesting!
In the meantime, I've got this two bits of response:

- Regarding OGC API - Features: "if the server implements Part 2 and a CRS is specified then all geometries in the response must be reprojected to the requested CRS in the response." - Regarding WFS: " WFS is a little more flexible since you can have multiple queries in one request each in a different CRS"

I've added the quote above in my chat with the OGC people, let's see if it stirs up more feedback. If you want to participate directly, get on gitter and get in this chat: https://gitter.im/opengeospatial/WFS_FES <https://gitter.im/opengeospatial/WFS_FES>


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