And the new Chief Secretary (HH) joined Goa in April 2009, is now transferred!
Who are the people/ministers etc responsible for his transfer?
Can we get any  answers to above?
Mewspapers/Media. Any chance?
Thank you Mr. Chief Secretary,

Welcome to Goa.

Files in Mamlatdar Office and Electricity dept takes ages to clear up.
They never phone back to us nor do they write to us on the progress of
our files.
They say ‘ it’s your file or work, so you should come here to enquire about
I have been told about this at a Electriocity dept and few weeks ago,
I was told the same at Mamlatdar office.

We make numerous visits to the depts.thus wasting our time and money.
Officers at every level instead of taking days, take months but
on bribing them the files are cleared faster.

Thank you once again for your efforts to bring in efficiency in the
state administration etc.

On behalf of many aggrieved citizens.



File movement index soon (June news)

PANAJI- In an attempt to curtail delays in disposing of files and bring in
efficiency in the state administration, including directorates and the field
offices, the government would in near future ensure that all files moved for
clearances, etc were cleared within a week�s time adding that all files
henceforth would be attached with file movement index, wherein the date of
receipt of file and its disposal would be entered.
Stating this to The Navhind Times, the Chief Secretary, Mr Hauzel Haukhum said
the government would ensure that files were disposed of in seven days, including
Saturdays and Sundays, from the date of their receipt by the officials in every
office and that it would also seek arrear statements from all the departments
and the reasons for delay.
The Chief Secretary said that this was decided at the meeting of the secretaries
to the government held on Wednesday, adding that it was also decided to appoint
a senior government official as nodal officer in every department to oversee the
movement of files and their speedy clearances. He also said that manual of
official procedure along with assistance diary would be made available to the
government staff dealing with files.
Mr Haukhum further said that he told the secretaries that speedy clearance of
the files should be a collective effort and that all officials should be told to
co-operate. He informed that the directives to ensure speedy disposal of files
would be issued soon, adding that government would see to it that every employee
was accountable for his or her action and action would be taken for delay.,,


Very well said. 

Yes, each point/dept deserve attention

Mr. Hauzel Haukhum, is the new Chief Secretary of Goa who took charge
as from today.

Contact details
Phone No's: 91-832-2419402 
            Fax: 91-832-2415201
         Email :  


John Gomes johnericgomes at 
Wed Apr 8 11:41:23 PDT 2009 

Dear Mr. Hauzel Haukhum,
You have come to head the Goa Administration at a critical time in 
its history. Our bureaucracy,  supposed to be the steel frame ,
is rusted and lacking in basic discipline. The previous incumbant 
Mr J.P.Singh apparently had no time/ was unable to bother himself 
with  the nitty gritty of administration . Kindly note the 

a)There is no fear of the law, rules and regulations.
b)The administration is slack, no one is punished or fears 
consequences for dereliction of duty! 
c)Transparency and accountability are alien concepts.
d)There is generally no action without complaint.
e) Complaints are stonewalled. There is cover up and people are 
frustrated if they complain.
f) In fact the complaint is leaked to the defaulter, and there is 
no one to protect the righteous citizen.

g) Departments work at cross purposes, and within one compartment 
is unaware what the other is doing.
h) Transfers of important personnel (one can understand if its 
for election duties) is routinely done at the drop of a hat.
i) There is absolutely no handing over/taking over procedures 
followed, even if incumbents have plenty of time to do so.
Consequently administration is in shambles.
2.  If you could crack the whip immediately and show you mean 
business with your vast experience, and establish routine 
good administration, and we dare to hope excellence in due 
course, you will be doing Goa proud and our nation a great service.

Thanking you, 

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