DENMARK   5930 kHz - minus 1 Hertz lower side - excellent powerful signal at
17.20 UT here in southern Germany: S=9+5dB.

Lower band side is totally empty, upper side some S=6 signal from China Xizang:
5935 kHz 1100-1800 CHINA  TIB  PBS Xizang Chinese Mandarin Lhasa-Baiding
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Pennington <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 5:15 PM
Subject: [bdxc-news] WMR and Radio208 update
World Music Radio on 5930 kHz with 150 Watt since yesterday. And with
improved audio.
Radio208 expected back on shortwave 5970 kHz Thursday this week.
(Stig Hartvig Nielsen via WRTH - World Radio Tv Handbook Facebook Group,
Tuesday 26 Jan)

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