
I have been lurking on this list for while and hope I'll be able to
contribute something one day.

In the meantime, maybe you'll find in the link below some arguments
why a project like Harmony is useful. Don't know how authentic the
memo is of course, but the problems can be checked easily.


"The Java Problem"

Author: Julian S. Taylor
Reviewed by: Steve Talley, Mark Carlson, Henry Knapp, Willy (Waikwan)
Hui, Eugene Krivopaltsev, Peter Madany, Michael Boucher

Executive Summary

While the Java language provides many advantages over C and C++, its
implementation on Solaris presents barriers to the delivery of
reliable applications. These barriers prevent general acceptance of
Java for production software within Sun. A review of the problem
indicates that these issues are not inherent to Java but instead
represent implementation oversights and inconsistencies common to
projects which do not communicate effectively with partners and users.


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