Would I be correct in assuming that the majority of java.sql would be trivial to implement by reading the javadocs (everything except DriverManager)? I can take a whack at the low hanging fruit this weekend.


On 10-Feb-06, at 12:05 PM, zoe slattery wrote:

Upayavira wrote:
zoe slattery wrote:

OK - well - here is a plan.....

I have these scripts in a "hacked together" state and they currently
rely on reading the output from -verbose:class generated by an IBM JRE. Ideally I'd like them to be able to read a couple of different formats.

If anyone is interested in knowing if their app would (in theory) run using Harmony classes open a JIRA called "Would $my_favourite_app run on
Harmony?" and attach the output from "java -verbose:class
$my_favourite_app". If this works I can pick up the output and use it to
test the tool. Please would you also attach the output from "java
-version"? I will append (or ask someone to append) a list of missing
files to the JIRA.

When I'm happy that my scripts work and I've tidied up the code I'll
attach the source as a JIRA and write some instructions on how to use it.

FWIW in looking at Derby, it looks as though we still need SQL (could have predicted that I suppose) and JNDI, but those seem to be all that
are missing.  I can send the list of missing classes to anyone that
wants to verify this - it's just slightly too long to paste into mail

Paste it on the wiki (wiki.apache.org/harmony/). I'd be curious to see it.

Done - at the end of Tim's Apache Derby page: http:// wiki.apache.org/harmony/Apache_Derby

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