So I am working with Canine femurs and tibias that have been dissected as 
medial and lateral - they have been decaled in formic acid - rinsed in running 
tap well - processed on a routine 1 hour processing program ..... cutting very 

My issue is that the articular cartilage on the bone surface keep flipping up 
and over onto itself - I am using a 37C slide warmer overnight to allow them to 
hopefully flatten out more than on the water bath and then drying in the 56C 
oven for about 1 hour - then staining on automated Leica stainer - they are 
intact at 37..... look like the might be curling at 56C??

Anyone have any suggestions???

TIA - Amy

Amy S. Porter, HT (ASCP) - Lab Supervisor
Michigan State University
Investigative HistoPathology Lab
567 Wilson Road - Rm 2133
East Lansing, MI  48824
Ph:  517-884-5026
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - 
Albert Einstein

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