Hi histonetters,


Well, I just acquire a Leica SM2500S  polycut heavy duty microtome and
could use your help. Everything seems to be working however I cannot get
the knife holder to automatically descend to account for the desired
micron setting in either the manual or automatic modes. The knife just
moves back and forth over the block without cutting a actual section.
However, in the setup mode, I am physically able to move the knife
holder up and down with the arrow keys.  I have the manual and have
loosened and tightened the knife holder screws a million times.
Unfortunately at this point I can't tell if it's something simple or
that the particular mechanisms that performs this action is broken.  Any
help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can also be
contacted offline at the phone number below. Thank you all.




MaryAnn Dixon BS, HT (ASCP)cm

Biological Scientist

Oncology Department

UF Veterinary Medical Center

Phone (352) 392-2226 Ext. 5739


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