Dear Kim


I attached the peroxidase block method via personal email which works for
either frozen or FFPE sections.   You must buy the correct, exact glucose
from ICN as Sigma discontinued this.  I included the original publication.
You can also find this blocking method on the Vector website.   This has
been discussed on Histonet before but possibly not in the context of the
original publication for eosinophils in frozen section in minimally fixed
e.g. acetone.    If the sections are FFPE, you may have to extend the time
or stick to 60 minute incubation in the glucose oxidase/glucose mixture.
We nicknamed this GLUOX Peroxidase Block.   For frozens,   we used 60
minutes incubation but later found a publication using 30 min blocking of
endogenous peroxidase (ordinary and not eosinophils) in frozen sections.
Timing is something you might play with to shorten the staining time.
Theory is slow, continuous production of H2O2 removes/blocks peroxidase and
pseudoperoxidases in tissues/cells. 


I had feedback that it worked on paraffin sections with stubborn endogenous


Good luck


Gayle Callis 


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