On Jul 6, 6:14 pm, starkruzr <starkr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Went through the FreeBSD installer, found that the FreeBSD disklabel
> editor apparently cannot repartition drives (???), installed the
> system in sort of a strange way in that I had to make / on the 6th or
> 7th partition on the drive (the first 5 or so were 50MB partitions
> that it wouldn't let me delete or change).  Still should have worked,
> but didn't.  No matter what I install -- Free/Net/OpenBSD or YDL --
> the machine will not boot from the hard drive after installation is
> complete.  All I get is the flashing "sad Mac/question mark hard
> drive" icon.

I was through that before.  I spent about a month of free time
downloading and buring all six YDL discs and trying to install it.
The worst part was the copy file stage (after choosing the settings):
it took about four or five hours to read each CD.  And I saw that same
scary partition list as you.  I think removed everything but the very
first partition (1MB in size, "apple bootstrap").  Then a /boot
partition, and then everything else as one.  I do not know how well
supported the hardware is for FreeBSD, but Yellow Dog should know what
it is doing and manage to install correctly.
I had a Bondi Rev A 233MHz, 256MiB.
Just a warning: I completely removed YDL a week later, because it was
unusable.  To slow for graphical applications (the graphics chip in
Rev A is terrible), and more important: the screen was WAY too dark.
Black was black, but what should have been white was about 10% grey on
any other screen.  I had to move my head in real close to make out
small text.
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