Hi there,
I hope someone here can help me. I have a few iMac questions, ideas. I
also hope I'm in the correct place, as did search first.. and saw a
mention of tangerine clamshells from a while back, but still if I'm in
the wrong place, I apologize.

 I purchased two of the iMac clamshells over on eBay a while ago. One
is the first run of them, a turquoise machine, and the other is
tangerine which IIRC is a newer version. One has a working, semi
working battery, one does not. No matter, we use them hardwired in for
the kids to fool around with. I purchased some games for them, so they
could play an educational game on them. This is main thing we bought
them for, computer so they could get the hang of things. A bit of
typing, some simple games, and some internet time on a few of the
simpler websites out there, that still work for these computers. I
know I can get replacement batteries for the clamshells. I'd like to
be able to use a CD-ROM in both of the clamshells. One (turquoise)
seems to not be liking discs. It does what my Toshiba with the busted
DVD drive does.. and just hums or something, but doesn't play the CD-
ROMS. So I need to get a replacement CD-ROM drive, I gather.  The
tangerine accepts the CD-ROM & wants to play it, but needs some sort
of an update. I had a Dell Laptop that I replaced the keyboard on
several times.. so I know a little tiny bit about working on these
things. I also replaced memory & mother board in a desktop PC some
years ago (1999) after lightning struck our house & saved it. Is there
a website somewhere, with information on what folks can do with these
computers to upgrade & sort out?

  I don't have any disks for these, so I need to know what to purchase
as far as this goes.

 I'd also like to upgrade these as much as we possibly can, but I
realize there are processor limits. Any information folks have would
be wonderful.

Last night, we found another Mac. It's a iMac Blue Dalmation.  We left
it behind, but it's something we might find again, or go back for, if
it's still there. The one we saw was brand new & not used much, if at
all. But it did have broken links on the desktop.. files with weird
names on it. Like a bunch of letters, numbers.. but not names of a
file. Reminds me of defragging a computer when you could see the files
actually doing the defragging, does that make sense?  Do these
computers get viruses? I know some about macs & that there are far far
less virii for them, but.. some do need protection? Are these
upgradeable at all? My husband is very simple with his computer usage.
Email, facebook, reading news, websites, Reader Rabbit for the kids,
and some youtube.com vids with the kids as well. So he'd be the one
using this. He's not into gaming, downloading movies, TV watching on
the computer or aything that would take more power like that. Altho he
does finally have a MP3 player, which I do all the downloading &
charging on my pc for him with.

That said, is there anything else one can do with these clamshells,
other than the standard enjoyment of looking at it, if we decide to
just get a newer computer?  Also is there a group for the iMac Mini
like this one? I saw one on eBay & its adorable. I'd love to get one
of those next. I know they still make them, are there anything, any
hazards I should be aware of, if I buy one that is a couple years old?
I like to buy things used or secondhand & save them from the heap, so
to speak.  Oh and printers where does one find an older printer to
work for on the clamshell or dalmation? This isn't a have to thing,
just a passing thought. I homeschool my children & since I have a PC,
it might be nice for one of the Macs to have printing capabilities so
I can print out what they've been practicing with typing to keep a
hard copy record of it.

Thanks so much in advance, Heather

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