We did not get an exactly overwhelming number of responses, but it seems that 
those that cared (me and Margaret) seemed to prefer an EUI-64 approach. Sri, 
can you make that happen? Feel free to ask me or Suresh to help, if needed. 
Make a clear enough explanation in the document so that we can get IANA to 
understand also what they need to do in detail. I'm currently holding a Discuss 
on their behalf, because the current instructions were unclear. Can you make 
this happen by drafts deadline?


On 18.10.2011 21:29, Jari Arkko wrote:
The last call ended yesterday. We are fine with going ahead as proposed 
standard, but there were two other issues raised during discussion.

1. Possible draft to update RFC 5453 / 5342 to say that allocations in either 
one should not conflict with each other. I tend to agree with Thomas that we 
are unlikely to see much use of these registries and we should not worry too 
much about it. That being said, if Suresh finds enough time to write a draft on 
this I wouldn't mind shepherding it forward. In any case, it is a separate 
matter from Sri's draft.

2. Whether to allocate an EUI-64 from the IANA block and base the IID on that, 
or to allocate just a reserved value per RFC 5453. Collisions are extremely 
unlikely in either case. Personally, I'd prefer an EUI-64 based approach 
though, because collisions based on random addresses are then ruled out 
completely, and only manual or multiple MAG type collisions may occur. That is 
a personal preference though. But we need to choose. Are we going with the 
draft as is, or changing it to use EUI-64 allocation? I saw Suresh support this 
approach, Sri had questions (were those answered and what was your 
conclusion?), what about the rest of you?

In any case, I'm sending the draft to the IESG review.


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