Hi, only roughly going through this thread but ...

> On further consideration, I think the bandwidth-based method might actually
> be dangerous in some situations. Suppose there were asymmetric paths
> between nodes A and B; the path A->B consisting of all 1Gbps links and
> the path B->A consisting of at least one long, thin link (56Kb modem, 3GPP
> wireless, etc.) Even if B is able to authenticate the source addresses in
> packets it receives from A, if the bandwidth-based method is used based
> on a percentage of the bandwith of B's outgoing 1Gbps interface the queue
> on a router at the head of a long thin link on the path B->A will overflow. In
> other words, B might cause harmful denial-of-service if it blindly uses a
> bandwidth-based estimate, since it has no way of knowing whether long,
> thin links will occur on the return path.

Only being dangerous in some situations do not necessarily mean that
it should be deleted completely. If there's still cases where the
feature can be used sufficiently, the feature should survive, No ?


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