I mentioned this at the mic during the meeting and now posting the
same to the list...

Luis Santos asked a question to the authors which I'll explain to the list
as follows.   RFC 3484, and RFC 3484 bis, specify an algorithm whereby
a set of destination addresses are sorted, and a source address for each
is chosen.   So if there's only one destination address, there's just one
entry returned and if you have two source addresses, the list will only
have one possibility.  A more complicated algorithm would return a list
of sorted pairs, where the dest addr could occur in multiple pairs.

Based on the fact the doc is in the RFC editors queue, I don't think
it's appropriate to add another algorithm into the same document,
and so we leave this out of scope of the current document.   That's
what we said at the beginning of the 6man meeting today.

And FYI as a data point, Windows does expose both types of algorithms
(the 3484 type, and the sorted-pairs type) to applications.  A
sorted pairs algorithm is exposed via APIs such as
CreateSortedAddressPairs() and DatagramSocket.GetEndpointPairsAsync().


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