
I have been working on a revision of the aforementioned I-D. It
incorporates the changes and clarifications suggested on-list during the
recent discussions of this I-D on the mailing-list.

The upcoming revision is available at:

* TXT format:
* PDF format:

For your convenience, the diff between this upcoming rev and the last
posted version (-01) is available here:

Any comments will be more than welcome.

In particular, I'd like to hear if folks who have made suggestions for
improvements think this upcoming rev has successfully incorporated them
(and, if they feel it has not, please provide advice on how to do it).


P.S.: If you're using wget to get any of the aforementioned files,
please use the "user-agent" option to "forge" a different "User-agent"
tag. e.g.,

wget --user-agent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; OMG MB; Windows

as my web-hosting provider is currently blocking "wget" access (not that
I agree with their policy).

Best regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
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