
I think I found a small typo in the draft: -

   asymmetric reachability
         - a link where non-reflexive and/or non-transitive
           reachability is part of normal operation.  (Non-
           reflexive reachability means packets from A reach B
           but packets from B don't reach A.

I think reflexive is the wrong term here, by definition "A relation R on
a set A is called reflexive if and only if < a, a > R for every element
a of A."

I think the exact term here is symmetric and not reflexive. The sentence
should read

   asymmetric reachability
         - a link where non-symmetric and/or non-transitive
           reachability is part of normal operation.  (Non-
           symmetric reachability means packets from A reach B
           but packets from B don't reach A.


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