By Zaheerul Hassan

On 8 March, 2009 Ronald Noble along with Interior Advisor, Rahman
Malik while addressing a Press Conference said that Mumbai attacks
were partially planned in Pakistan. He revealed that seven countries
including India were used for Mumbai attacks. On this occasion,
interior Advisor of Pakistan has urged upon India to reply soon the 30
questions relating to the Mumbai investigations put forward. It is
notable here that Pakistan government has fully cooperated with India
in relation to Mumbai Drama but some how New Delhi failed to provide
the solid evidences. The dossiers forwarded to Islamabad government
are not even worth presenting as material evidence in the court.
Ronald Noble very rightly said that Pakistan and its people were more
hit by terrorism and the world community was with Pakistan in war
against terror. He also praised FIA for carrying out investigations
and termed their report as comprehensive and complete. Interpol
Sectary confirmed that India didn't provide any report to
international police. According the reports Indian investigation
agencies few days earlier has presented Mumbai Drama's Charge Sheet to
court without mentioning the nationalities of the characters involved
in the attack. It means that Indian agencies failed to ascertain the
nationalities of culprits took part in Mumbai attack. Therefore
involving Pakistan in the issue is not under stood. The whole episode
reveals that Indian agencies, diplomatic pundits and rogue armed
forces have terribly failed in maligning Pakistan and its security
agencies in Mumbai Drama.

The terrible defeats on national and international fronts have
frustrated Indian government and its intelligence agencies. New Delhi
through and its world notorious intelligence set ups are madly busy in
planning and obliterating peace by carrying out terrorist activities
in the regional countries. On February 24, 2009 Bangladesh Border
Force carried out a mutiny against their superior officers, which
resulted into the death of more than 200 individuals including a major
General and his wife. The act of mutiny was planned and instigated by
RAW with a purpose of weakening the Bangladesh Armed and Border Forces
since they have inflicted heavy losses and pushed the Indian forces
back to their territory in a border conflict with India. The
Bangladesh Rifles are often involved in border skirmishes with their
counterparts from India. Thus she dented Bangladesh Armed Forces and
Bangladesh Rifles while launching clandestine operation.

Just after few days on March 3, 2009 a group of 12 individuals trained
by the RAW have carried out terrorist attacks on cricket team of Sri
Lanka near Gaddafi Stadium Lahore. According to the government
officials the masked gunmen armed with rifles and rocket launchers
started an organized and ruthless firing on the team. As result
several players wounded and six individuals of police have been
killed. The reasons of carrying out assault against Lankan's are quite
obvious because she rejected Indian demand of not dispatching her
cricket team to Pakistan. Other reason is that New Delhi faced
horrible defeat on diplomatic front in the case of Mumbai Drama. Her
intelligence agencies and government is being criticized inside the
country as well as at international level. She also failed to provide
the solid evidence to FBI and Interpol in the past. At many occasions
Indian Foreign minister and army Chief threaten that they have various
open options to attack Pakistan. There are reports that these
terrorists have entered into Pakistan from the river side and stayed
in various areas of Lahore few days earlier of launching the attack.
They have carried out the rehearsals and observed the movement of the
team a day prior to assault. Pakistan Rangers and troops deployed on
border should keep themselves alive and alert because the terrorists
might use the border while falling back to India. Lahore attack would
also been taken as repercussions of Mumbai Drama.

Indian army never spared any chance of pressing, murdering and raping
women in Kashmir. So called secular country remained butchering Sikhs,
Christen and Tamils. On March 8, 2009 hundreds of people staged
anti-Army demonstrations in Sallar village of South Kashmir after Army
arrested a youth during a cricket match. According to the Kashmir
Watch in a match between the teams of Sallar and Livar village in
South Kashmir's Islamabad an Army Major Rohit Sharma of 3 Rashtriya
Rifles, who was playing for the Sallar team, when bowled out by the
opposite team shortly after he came on the pitch was hooted by the
spectators witnessing the match. Eye witnesses revealed that the
hooting infuriated the Army major who turned furious and whisked away
one of the youth identified as Shoaib Ahmad Khan son of Abdul Razak to
the Army camp .As the Army detained Khan hundreds of people of Sallar
and adjoining villages came on the streets and staged anti-Army
demonstrations. The protesters were demanding immediate release of the
detained youth. People also rose anti army slogans. The incidents
reflect the hate against Indian Army in the general public. According
to the Indian media reports the troops are reluctant to be posted in
Kashmir. The ratio of discipline cases in the army deployed in Kashmir
is much higher than remaining part of the India border. Similarly
every year almost 100 to 150 troops deployed in Kashmir go for suicide
to the unjust prevailing in the lower ranks. Since 1988, the U.N.
recognised disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir has been hit by
confrontation between Kashmiri Freedom Fighters and the Indian
Military, which has resulted in more than One hundred thousand of
deaths. Several operational factors such as fatigue, unpredictability
of threat, extended tenures of stay, absence of recreational avenues,
domestic worries, irregular mail, and problems related to leave and
railway travel increase the level of frustration among the Indian
occupational troops deployed in U.N. recognised disputed state of
Jammu & Kashmir. Unofficial sources put the number of troops deployed
in the state to seven hundred thousand.

RAW, Khad and RAAM (khad) with tacit support of CIA are working on
their grand agenda of making India and Israel as regional watch dogs.
India is carrying out tests of long and middle ranges missiles due to
her power showing phenomena. It will be quite interesting to know here
that RAAM name to Khad was given by RAW. The purpose of changing name
from Khad to RAAM would be well known to Afghan authority but
depiction of name "RAAM" would not be kicked to her own identity since
afghan agency is being trained and launching under the direction of
her parental agency "RAW".

The Indian intelligence objectives are currently parallel to those of
the CIA and Mossad in regard to covert destabilization in South Asia
and elsewhere. RAW ever since its creation has always been a vital,
though unobtrusive, actor in Indian policy-making apparatus," writes
Isha Khan. Since its creation in 1968, RAW has been "given a virtual
carte blanche to conduct destabilization operations in neighboring
countries inimical to India to seriously undertake restructuring of
its organization accordingly. RAW was given a list of seven countries
(Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Pakistan and Maldives)
whom India considered its principal regional protagonists. India has
become Don of South Asia and crafted systematically covert operations
in all these countries to coerce destabilize and subvert them in
consonance with the foreign policy objectives of the Indian
Government." and subversion. Indian has established more than 19
consulates along Pakistani Border. The most of the projects in
Afghanistan is being run by Indian companies' filled with RAW"S locals
agents. The reports are there that RAW is using Individuals from
Northern alliance of Afghanistan is being launched by them against
Iran and Pakistan. The ethnic riots, which have continued till today,
RAW has deeply penetrated and cultivated in South Asian Countries. One
of the major causes of unrest in Pakistan is involvement of RAW and
her master's agencies CIA. India has deployed 8 lacs forces against
Pakistan and waiting for the oppurnity to launch offensive against
Pakistan. Earlier Senator McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham,
too confirmed that India would have gone for surgical air strikes if
Pakistan did not act on the evidence provided to it on elements linked
to the attacks. Former President General Mushrraf while giving
interview to an India Chance very clearly mentioned that if India go
for surgical strike then there will be all out war. Indian policy of
becoming regional power and complete her grand design with the help of
Washington is singling out the main problem of regional
destabilization. She is also supporting LTTE in Sri Lanka and Tibetan
movements is being funded and morally supported by India. Last year
Colombo accepted the invitation of Pakistan and sent its cricket team.
Indian rulers were not pleased at their decision. Besides, some Indian
leaders and its media anchors had expressed their displeasure in that
regard. In this connection, The Times of India, while quoting various
media reports, wrote on December 28, 2008, "India is not happy with
Sri Lanka's cricket tour to Pakistan." Independent Sunday Times
reported that the decision by the then Ranatunga administration to
undertake the tour "had irked the Indian authorities" and the matter
had been discussed "at the highest levels in Colombo". Therefore
Indian intelligence agencies decided to punish Sri Lanka Team while
hitting her in Pakistan.

The recent attack on Sri lanka Cricket Team has made India as South
Asian Don. World community should enforce their pressure on India to
stop storming state terrorism in the region me.

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