solrbot commented on PR #2950:
### ⚠️ Artifact update problem
Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably
do not want to merge this PR as-is.
♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the
following happens:
- any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or
- the branch becomes conflicted, or
- you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or
- you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually
The artifact failure details are included below:
# File name: gradle/libs.versions.toml
Command failed: ./gradlew --console=plain --dependency-verification lenient
-q :dependencies :solr:dependencies :solr:api:dependencies
:solr:benchmark:dependencies :solr:core:dependencies
:solr:cross-dc-manager:dependencies :solr:distribution:dependencies
:solr:docker:dependencies :solr:documentation:dependencies
:solr:example:dependencies :solr:modules:dependencies
:solr:packaging:dependencies :solr:prometheus-exporter:dependencies
:solr:server:dependencies :solr:solr-ref-guide:dependencies
:solr:solrj:dependencies :solr:solrj-streaming:dependencies
:solr:solrj-zookeeper:dependencies :solr:test-framework:dependencies
:solr:webapp:dependencies :solr:modules:analysis-extras:dependencies
:solr:modules:clustering:dependencies :solr:modules:cross-dc:dependencies
:solr:modules:extraction:dependencies :solr:modules:gcs-repository:dependencies
:solr:modules:hdfs:dependencies :solr:modules:jwt-auth:dependencies
:solr:modules:langid:dependencies :solr:modules:llm:dependencies :solr:modules
:ltr:dependencies :solr:modules:opentelemetry:dependencies
:solr:modules:s3-repository:dependencies :solr:modules:scripting:dependencies
:solr:modules:sql:dependencies --update-locks
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Failed to notify task execution graph listener.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writeLocks' task to write the lock file, '--write-locks' along
is not sufficient.
> Use the ':writ