[ITCENTER] SAP-case : Depreciation not completed

2006-08-31 Terurut Topik widi ind
Dear rekan-rekan SAP, mohon bantuan solusinya donk untuk masalah SAP berikut ini. "Saat melakukan depreciation run periode X, ternyata ada 2 class asset yang tidak ter-depresiasi. Secara List asset, tetap ter-depre, tampilan di report list asset memang ada depresiasi, tapi secara FI tidak

[ITCENTER] Urgent Required ! System Engineer

2006-07-19 Terurut Topik widi ind
Dear all, Dibutuhkan segera ! Karyawan untuk posisi sebagai System Engineer di sebuah perusahaan nasional, dengan persyaratan sbb : 1. Pria, usia maks 25 tahun 2. S1 jurusan Komputer Akuntansi 3. IPK min 2,75 4. Mengerti sistem Akuntansi dan Finance 5. Pekerja keras, jujur, bertanggung jawa

[ITCENTER] Urgent Required ! System Engineer

2006-07-19 Terurut Topik widi ind
Dear all, Urgent required ! We have vacancy for System Engineer. Below are the qualifications : 1. Male, max 25 years old 2. Bachelor degree (S1) majoring in Computer Accountant 3. Minimum GPA 2.75 4. Understand about Accountancy & Finance system and procedures. 5. Hard-worker 6. Honest,

[ITCENTER] Vacancy for System Engineer

2006-07-14 Terurut Topik widi ind
Pak Moderator, numpang posting info lowongan ya. Thanks. Dear all, Urgent required ! We have vacancy for System Engineer (1 position). Below are the qualifications : 1. Male, max 25 years old 2. Bachelor degree (S1) majoring in Computer Accountant 3. Minimum GPA 2.75 4.