
Has anybody already used Struts successfully with JetSpeed 1.4b4? I'm
currently investigating some alternatives for the JSP MVC portlets in
JetSpeed. Since I really like Struts and its flexibility regarding
screen-flow etc, I would like to use it with JetSpeed for my portlets as
well. More over since it would leverage my old investments in some web-apps
that I want to run in JetSpeed now as well.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mete Kural [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 2:24 PM
> Subject: Struts as a JSR-168 Portlet Framework
> Hello all,
> The topic of adapting Struts to be a portlet framework 
> compliant with JSR-168 was discussed earlier. I remember that 
> some of you were interested in contributing to such a 
> project. Now is the opportunity. One of the goals of the next 
> generation of Struts, Struts 2.0, is "Transparent support for 
> a portlet environment (JSR 168)". Development for Struts 2.0 
> has already begun little by little. Here is the roadmap page 
> for Struts: http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/status.html
> Please scroll down for the part that is titled "Struts 2.0.x" 
> and then the part under it that is titled "Portlet (JSR-168) 
> Whiteboard". Struts committers are seeking out the help of 
> others to make suggestions and improvements to these initial 
> development stages of Struts 2.0. Jetspeed developers and 
> users can be especially useful in making sure that Struts 2.0 
> addresses the needs of portlet developers. You can do this by 
> sending your feedback to the Struts committers. Here is what 
> Craig McClanahan wrote about building portlet support in Struts:
> "One approach to dealing with it has (in fact) already begun 
> -- in the "contrib/struts-chain" subdirectory in the CVS 
> sources is the beginnings 
> of a refactoring of the standard RequestProcessor based on 
> the "commons-chain" package in the Commons Sandbox.  If this 
> actually works, 
> two really good things might be able to happen: 
> * It'll work for both servlets and portlets (you can see how 
> the command implementations are being abstracted so that the 
> chain will just do the right thing for each environment). 
> * It is likely to be backwards compatible with Struts 1.1 as 
> well, possibly with some restrictions yet to be discovered. 
> The best way to get involved would be to check out CVS 
> sources for both jakarta-struts and jakarta-commons-sandbox, 
> become familiar with the code 
> referenced above, and start making suggestions and 
> improvements.  A really good starting point would be 
> portlet-specific implementations of all the 
> commands that currently have only servlet-specific implementations. "
> I would recommend anyone who is interested to give feedback 
> to the Struts committers on the struts-dev mailing list.
> Thanks,
> Mete
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