I've installed the 9/27 nightly build running on NT under Tomcat 3.2.3

Problem:  I log in using the admin account and go to the Jetspeed Admin 
tab.  I select the Jetspeed Content menu item and then select "Jetspeed" 
from the portlet (there are two choices, Jetspeed or Bookmarklet).  When I 
select Jetspeed I get the following error. 

        Exception:  org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException: Error 
rendering Velocity template: layoutsnull: Unable to find resource 
        Stack Trace follows:
        org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to 
find resource 'layoutsnull'

I looked at the default.vm file and noticed it was also looking for a 
left.vm, a top.vm, and a bottom.vm file that were not there.  So I tried 
creating these files thinking perhaps it was not finding them.  But the 
result was the same. 

Possibly related, I also notice that I no longer get the "Jetspeed" and 
"News" portlets that I used to get when used version 1.3a1.  So I checked 
the logs and noticed a few additional errors:

        [Thu Sep 27 10:36:38 EDT 2001] -- ERROR -- 
        Exception:  org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletException: Couldn't 
transform content.  Please see error log
        Stack Trace follows:
        org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletException: Couldn't transform 
content.  Please see error log

        [Thu Sep 27 10:36:38 EDT 2001] -- ERROR -- 
        Exception:  org.xml.sax.SAXException: problem in SAX transform: 
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Namespace not supported by 
        Stack Trace follows:
        org.xml.sax.SAXException: problem in SAX transform: 
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Namespace not supported by 
I'm not sure where to start on this.  ANY help is appreciated. 


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