I have an application built on Jetspeed (1.4-b4) deployed on WAS 5 on 
OS400 (V5R2).  There are other applications deployed on the same WAS 
instance and they ran fine.   One of the application (app1) was linked to 
from this Jetspeed application.  Some one deployed the app1 this morning 
and now the very first page of the Jetspeed application can't even 
display.  I am getting the following message from console. 

WARNING: Cannot set header. Response already committed. 
Message Originator: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.SRTServletResponse 
Source object type: RasLoggingService 

The very first is a JSP page that has a one liner 
<jsp:forward page="portal/"/> which is the out-of-box page from Jetspeed.  
The same app1 was deployed in development environment and it did not 
caused any problem.  The problem is on our production system when we 
deployed app1.  Did anyone experience same type of problem before? 

Any help or suggestion is appreciated. 


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