----- Original Message -----
From: "Diana Maynard"
Subject: A little quiz

> Fact or Fiction?
> 1. It is impossible to snore in space...
> 2. The Statue of Liberty's fingernails each weight 100 lbs....
> 3. The most successful high school football team in the U.S. history is
> Titans football team from Lubbock, Texas ...
> 4. Every 25 seconds, somebody, somewhere on Earth opens a can of Spam ...
> 5. Some species of ants have 5 noses ...
> 6. The average adult eats 1,000 pounds of food per year ...
> 7. According to random surveys, Democrats are more likely to own cats than
> Republicans ...
> 8. Most adults believe we will make "first contact" with alien life by the
> year 2100 ...
> 9. The record for surviving bee stings was set by a man in Rhodesia in
> ...
> 10.         Tombstones were originally put over graves so that the dead
> could not escape ...
> Answers.
> 1. Fact
> 2. Fact
> 3. Fiction... The De La Salle Spartans from Concord is the most
> successful high school football team in the U.S. history.
> 4. Fiction ... every FOUR seconds.
> 5. Fact
> 6. Fiction ... average adults eats *2,000* pounds of food per year.
> 7. Fact
> 8. Fact
> 9. Fact ... Johanne Relleke was stung 2,443 times.
> 10.  Fact.

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