1)Can read the appendix of the book “Understanding Linux Kernel 3rd Ed as
chap said erlier. However if you just want to print a message while booting,
just follow your intuition  in the /  directory.You just need to add a line
with your text somewhere ;-).
2)Can start here , though you will need more
3) While not  a guide on (the more complex) USB, you can play with some LEDs
connected to  parrarel, a pretty common tutorial on the net,
You can find the same on Linux Device Drivers chapter 10 (google the free
All in all, while I don’t consider myself anything close to being “kernel
hacker” or experienced kernel coder, while you are walking through that
path, you should make yourself familiar with the OS internals  (maybe
reading the whole book the chap said earlier?) or look for  material like
that on the net. 

You could read
"OReilly.Understanding.the.Linux.Kernel.3rd.Edition.Nov.2005". The name says
everything =D.
A direct link:
On Dec 7, 2007 5:14 AM, Amogh Hooshdar < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

I have knowledge of assembly language. I am good at C programming. I 
have learnt to write "hello world" type of kernel modules using
printk() statements. I know nothing else about kernel programming. I
want to become a kernel hacker. I am a newbie at the moment. To begin 
with, I have 3 goals.

1. To understand how the Linux kernel first boots. To make sure that I
have got hold of the correct code, I want to insert a "hello world"
message in the booting code such that my "hello world" message is 
displayed along with other important messages while booting.

2. To understand how the kernel reads input from the keyboard and
prints output on the screen. To test my understanding, I would like to
modify the kernel to log all key strokes in a file. 

3. How we can send out signals or electric pulses to a particular
port, say USB port. I would like to test my understanding by writing a
kernel module or something that sends out voltage from the USB port or 
anything else that would light up an LED or 3 V bulb.

If some question of mine doesn't make sense, please tell me so and
guide me what I should study and work on to accomplish my first 3
goals in this field. 

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Claudio Eduardo Marques Gomes
Estudante de Engenharia da Computação
Diretor de Tecnologia do CAECOM
Projeto DCC-INDT em Baixo Consumo de Energia em Sistemas Embarcados 
Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)
Tell: 92 3088-3845
Cel:  92 9183-8100 

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