Wouldn't it be great if the FSF organized something similar to Google
Summer of Code for projects which need more attention?

It could be completely crowdfunded (the FSF could just manage the
money), and give the free software community a common focus on issues
that affect everyone (those can be agreed upon via polls), and a way to
address them collectively.

For example, GIMP needs a resource manager, and Tox needs an
independent, peer-reviewed security audit. We could just raise money to
pay some people to reach those specific milestones.

It's especially helpful for high-priority projects. Asking for volunteer
contributors is one thing but hiring them is another, and guaranteed to
work (if the right people are chosen, especially if they already
contribute to the program).

I believe in the decentralization of the free software movement, but
it's a good thing that a nonprofit central organization like the FSF
exists because otherwise, it'd be impossible to organize something like
this without relying on worse third-parties like Kickstarter and on
individuals which can run away with the money anytime or spend it in
other ways (it already happened many times).

Any thoughts?

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