I couldn't find a simple (command line) way to record a DVB-T program
from a channel for a set length of time eg. scheduled from an "at"

My quick hack to tzap.c (from linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0/util/szap/tzap.c)
is available from http://www.arkady.demon.co.uk/tzap.c.gz

The new flags are:
-R              Record mode (to stdout or filename specified with -o)
-t secs         Record time
-o filename     Output filename (sets -R)
-s              Only print summary
-S              Run silently (no output)

Examples of use might be:
        tzap -t 3600 -o prog.mpg "BBC ONE"
or      tzap -t 1800 -R "BBC TWO" |ts2ps nnn nnn > prog2.mpg

If you don't use any of the new flags the only difference is that all of
tzap's messages go to stderr (was stdout) to allow for mpeg output on stdout.



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