witht he help of another list mate, I was able to get a wireless access point 
up, without the use of their software.  Change the admin password via the 
webinterface and get my wifes laptop on the move in the house.

the default password is comcomcom, found by Dave Aikema (as I never received 
the manual he found it in) and the username is admin.

Simply watch 9tail -f /var..) messages for the dhcpack and get the IP address 
of the AP (access point)  open a browser to that IP address give the previous 
username and password, immediately choose configuarationa nd security and 
enter the new password.

HTH anyone else condiering a Wireless AP for their wired network

The other unfun way was to serial connect it to winders, use either 
hyperterminal/telent to configure it prior to hooking it to the hub/switch

  Bill Day 
  Linux for Windows Addicts:
  A Twelve Step Program for Habitual Windows Users.
  ISBN: 0072130814
  Get it cause Ol' Billy Gates don't want you too!
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