Dear LinuxBIOS readers!

This is the automated build check service of LinuxBIOS.

The developer "rminnich" checked in revision 2369 to
the LinuxBIOS source repository and caused the following 

Change Log:
mods for the ultra40 bringup. This now builds.amd gx2 north -- don't set 
anything in the north, it conflicts with vsasettings. So we have our own 
pci_set_resources that is essentially ano-op -- just calls the kids.olpc rev_a 
config -- DISABLE the compressed rom stream. This SHOULD NOThave been set -- it 
is untested and caused real trouble.

Build Log:
 Compilation of artecgroup:dbe61 is still broken. Compilation of sunw:ultra40 
has been fixed.

If something broke during this checkin please be a pain 
in rminnich's neck until the issue is fixed.

If this issue is not fixed within 24h the revision will 
be backed out.

   Yours truely,
     LinuxBIOS automatic build system

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